[center][h3][color=deepskyblue]Hanna the Phanpy[/color][/h3] [b]Medburn Exploration Guild[/b][/center] [hr] The Vulpix wasn't the only one who'd been injured. They soon met up with Rick and an Amaura, both of whom were looking pretty beat up. Drip was with them too, but thankfully she looked like she'd managed to avoid getting hurt as badly as the others. After she'd explained what happened, Hanna couldn't help but comment on it. [color=deepskyblue]"And he did all that in the middle o' town?"[/color] Most criminals attacked their victims either at night, or somewhere out of the way where they wouldn't get caught. This was definitely strange. Hanna followed the others into the medical wing. One by one, the nurses began treating the ones who were injured, starting with the kids. Considering they just had a building dropped on them, none of their injuries seemed too bad. Hanna couldn't help but chuckle at Rick's overreaction to the pain in his leg. The giant smirk on his face made it obvious that he was only joking. It was at this point that she noticed one of the kids was gone. All that was left was a note on the bed he'd been lying on. [color=deepskyblue]"Now, where'd he run off to? Coulda sworn he was out cold a minute ago."[/color] She asked. [color=deepskyblue]"Did the swords catch the guy that attacked the kids? 'Cause if not, I don't think it's safe for him to be out there on his own."[/color]