[quote=@Lmpkio] Now again, I barely know anything regarding November or Starcraft in general, so I can't say for sure either. However... according to legends, it can resist the strikes of Lightsabers... and if that's the case, it can be pretty durable. Not invulnerable perhaps, but sturdy and reliable. But a ghost as in she's constantly invisible or transparent or do you mean just the cloaking in general...? [/quote] Truth be told, it's probably the weakpoints where there isn't Mandalorian Iron on his armor Fett should worry about XD Especially once the marines get into the mix. It's around a five hundred round magazine in a standard magazine. As for fire rate: "The C-14 is fully automatic with a fire rate of 30 rounds per second, although its capacitor system limits fire to short, controlled bursts." "Controlled? They never seen a zerg charge if they think what we do is controlled." - A Dominion marine in regards to C-14 information EDIT: Ghost is the name of the unit that Nova is. Before there were Spectres, there were Ghosts. Spectres are more easily made and trained, for the most part. There are essentially heroic versions of the Spectre, like Rave, but they're few and far between.