The Nevermore whipped back and forth trying to remove Hansa from its back. Hansa tried to take in a quick look around the forest for the temple. “Chill out for two seconds will ya?” He quickly threw Pendulum to wrap around the bird to steady himself but as he did the Nevermore twisted and Hansa lost his balance and what little grip he had failed him and he started to fall. “Oh no…” Hansa saw the Nevermore quickly circle around to try and swallow him whole. He bent his legs and fired a shot to get enough spin to kick it's beak closed. He planted both feet on its chin and fired off it. It was stunned as he rapidly plummeted to the ground. “Too fast! Too fast!” Hansa desperately tried to rotate around so he could use Luck Herald to slow his fall but was struggling to do so, when he did fire a shot it made him tumble more out of control. He knew that he couldn't reel in Pendulum in time for it to help. “This is going to hurt no matter what size I am!”