Walker attempted to quietly spit out the blade of grass that was in his mouth and replace it, in order to maintain his facade. The soggy blade fell and got stuck to his tank top, but that wasn't important. Immediately the man's face began to contort again at the mention of a town. It wrinkled and twisted, a 50/50 split between psychotic obsession and erotic bliss. Both his hands shook as they caressed his face, once again showing that whoever was in control of this muscular character had no actual experience with the concept. His heavy panting overwhelmed his words. "Could it be?! THE town? According to a 2015 pcgamer interview the starting town had to be scrapped [i]eight[/i] times just to get the architecture right! And that's not even counting all the countless patches made just to get the particle effects running smoothly!!" Walker immediately got on all fours and began to sniff at the ground like a demented pig. "God, this is just GOOD stuff. Dirt type A7, hexadecimal code six b four thousand nine hundred and forty." Walker's panting slowed, as well as his speaking. He craned his neck at the trees nearby, as if they were the silhouettes of enemies. His voice went from being loud to a soft murmur that steadily rose in volume and intensity. "You know, in later interviews they started lying about the codes they'd use or just omit them completely, but they're wrong. I [i]know[/i] they're wrong. Walker's bloodshot eyes almost looked reptilian. His right arm rose and began to softly trace a circle on the earth with a single finger. "Phil Warbler, the Dreamscape Online spokesman, was caught lying once at E3. He told the reporter that their weather system was fully functional at the time. But you wanna know what he did? He [i]scratched[/i] his [i]nose[/i] while speaking, subconsciously trying to cover his face. You know what that means right? He. LIED. LIED!!!! Phil Warbler is a LIAR!!!!" His fist formed a tight coil and began to bang at the dirt repeatedly, ruining the circle. Walker groaned and retched like an animal before standing up in a contorted position. The archer let out a casual sigh while stretching his body a bit. His face showed a soft smile. "Anyways, I can kind of see a trail over there, we better hit it quick, partner!"