Tyran was about to turn to look at Steel when his eyes flashed as his built-in systems picked up a distress call. His voice rose for a brief moment. "I believe I'm picking up a distress call. Patching it through my audio systems now." Static was heard for a moment before a man's frightened voice cut through a moment later. [i]"Please, to whoever can hear this please help us! Eden is under attack by...creatures! Creatures made of shadows! They're destroying everything and killing anyone they find! Most of the city is in flames! Please! Help us![/i] Tyran's eyes returned to normal as he turned to look at the group. "It appears we are needed." He said simply as he turned to look at Steel who was also looking at the group. "That's weird that Tyran and I have never heard of Eden and we're the ones from the future. It could be the records were lost when the main government fell and the city could have possibly been destroyed before our time." She said thoughtfully as she turned to look back at Tyran. "We should help. It's our duty as heroes to help." "Agreed." Tyran said as he looked over the group. "Where is this...Eden located?" Upstairs. Viran's closed eyes began to twitch slightly. The movements were almost not enough to be seen but they were there.