Mikey, despite Jenso's efforts, turned towards his spear after he lost the ability to sense it through his mist. Mikey created a disk of liquid energy beneath him to block the flames, one that dipped downwards as he fell slowly, waiting for the flames to dissipate before landing on the ground again. Then Jenso came at him. But Mikey noticed the spear a moment before his attack came forwards. He hopped above Jenso, so that the spear would collide with him instead, and flipped through the air gracefully, through the smoke that ensued. The Mist of course, closed in once again, but left a large area clear of water, where Jenso's heat had stopped it from progressing further. Mikey landed after the spear had passed him, and used his battle bubble to clear the smoke nearby, while also spreading out even more mist around his immediate vicinity. Although he didn't know what Jenso was doing, exactly, he had a general idea of where he was. Mikey aimed two fingers towards his general direction, and fired a wide-spread volley of liquid lances towards him in order to locate the hot-head.