[center][h1][Color=F48CA7]Josephine Clark[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/8bfe4de44140ed062d7b4ebdc40a815b/tumblr_og1mi12uF91utmdtuo1_400.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=F48CA7]Location:[/color] The Prison[/center][hr] The man seemed intrigued by her, but she could also detect he wanted information. And he wanted names. She wasn't about to break Aziza's trust so easily. [color=F48CA7]"Now now, darling. I didn't break into any room. The balcony door was unlocked. And I couldn't just sit idly by while my friend was put in danger, could I? The authorities showed up much too late and it would have been worse."[/color] Josephine leaned back in her chair. She was doing all she could to get the man distracted. [color=F48CA7]"As for our friends? Well, Mr. Walsh was there. He was at the barracks with us before we were taken here. Really, darling, this story is at its end. You've caught the man responsible for the death of that poor servant. I'm sure there's something else we could do to occupy the time?"[/color]