Though I can usually maintain one active fight at all times, it's never enough. Haven't had anyone in the Guild or in Discord, aside from good ol' Liliya (who doesn't count because she already fights me all the time), eager to cross mortal blades with me in almost two years, least of all in a ranked setting. Henceforth, I looked back and found as many of my unanswered pleas for combat as I could find and compiled 'em. Hopefully this beacon will set the heavens alight with my desire. [quote=@Doc Doctor] It's that time again. Yes, time for a ranked match. Human/peak human tier, nothing fancier than modern weapons. An unarmed fight or perhaps some sword and shield would be a pleasure. [/quote] [quote=@Doc Doctor] What about an unranked fight with Donny then? [/quote] [quote=@Doc Doctor] [quote=@Doc Doctor] How about a low-tier/human level ranked match? [/quote] [quote=@Doc Doctor] Anyone up for a human/low tier ranked match? [/quote] [youtube][/youtube] [quote=@Doc Doctor] Anyone up for a low, mid, or human tier ranked match? [/quote] [/quote] [quote=@Doc Doctor] Just what do I have to do to get another match!? [/quote] [quote=@Doc Doctor] I'm actually in the mood to use Zande in a human tier match. Any takers? [/quote] [quote=@Doc Doctor] Anybody up for a match? [/quote]