[hider=Technocratic Republic of Evyrion] [hr][center][img](Image of your flag, symbol or what represents your civ. Optional but recommended)[/img] [b][h1][i]REPUBLIC of EVYRION[/i][/h1][/b][/center] [hr] [h2][b]General Information[/b][/h2][h3][b]Overview[/b][/h3][i]The Technocratic Republic of Evyrion is a rich and highly developed commercial, industrial, and technological center. Maintained and enforced by the will of the Technocrats, the wheels of the Republic turn based on their whims. Masters of vast interstellar enterprises the likes of which spread across numerous nations, the Technocrats are all but entrenched into the livelihood of almost every lasting galactic civilization. Their riches became so vast, that they no longer desired to do their own work. Machines and clones were developed in tandem, and since then they have become the cornerstones of the Republic.[/i] [hider=Info Sheet Guide][b]Official Name:[/b] [i]The Technocratic Republic of Evyrion.[/i] [b]Common Name:[/b] [i]The Republic, Evyrion.[/i] [b]Government:[/b] [i]Capitalist Republic.[/i] [b]Dominant Species:[/b] [i]Majority population of genetically engineered and designed clones. The Technocrats are a cultural group of multi-racial leaders, as such their demographics are a seperate matter entirely.[/i] [b]Capital:[/b] [i]Paragon-Centauris, Everine-system.[/i] [b]Systems Owned:[/b] [i]Everine-system, Oberon-system, Abalast-system, Omacron-system, Lucerus-system, Steron Primaris-system, Steron Secundus-system, Steron Tertius-system, Octocom-system, Crusero-system, Proximon-system - Those are systems with one or, more often than not, more major stellar settlements. The Republic owns several other systems, although use them exclusively for mining and industry.[/i] [b]Planets Owned:[/b] [i]The Republic does not inhabit planets, instead they have amassed themselves in vast stellar megastructures spread across their numerous systems. There are, however, 152 planets total within their domain, all of which are used to gather its vast and, sometimes, exotic, resources.[/i] [b]Population:[/b] [i]Currently scanners suggest an exact population of 729,928,116,975, 97% of which are genetic constructs.[/i] [/hider] [h3][b]History[/b][/h3] (This is where you can tell us the tale of your glorious empire! History sections are neat to offer plot bunnies for other players to incorporate about your civ. On the other hand we aren't forcing anyone to make this extra detailed. Just write down what you find necessary here. Oh, and if you happen to write mini novels please put it inside hider tags to not bloat up the entire page. Thank you!) [h2][b]Starmap Information[/b][/h2][h3][b]Galactic Location[/b][/h3] (This is for the galaxy map with your location highlighted somehow. The galaxy is gigantic so even a small dot can mean a lot. Don't be discouraged by your size!) [h3][b]Major Holdings[/b][/h3] (This is kind of optional, you are given a chance to describe various places of interest. This can be a planet, star system or even entire star sector. Or even something else. Feel free to list them!) [h2][b]Social Information[/b][/h2][h3][b]Demographics[/b][/h3] (This is where you can describe the one or myriad of races inhabiting your glorious civilization. With multiple races you can also talk about demographics for real. What are your major races? Where do they live? And so on.) [h3][b]Society[/b][/h3] (Your unique civilization has unique society. What are the lives of your people be like? How are they thinking? Are there any social classes? Etc.) [h3][b]Government[/b][/h3] (Describe your government here in detail. If you use something generic or just feel like there isn't enough to say you can merge this with the Society section under "Government/Society" and describe both here.) [h2][b]Technological Information[/b][/h2][h3][b]Technology Overview[/b][/h3] (Describe your civilization's technology in general) [h3][b]Major Techs[/b][/h3] (Kinda optional section to describe your most important pieces of technology. If you think a simple overview above is enough, skip this.) [h3][b]Industry[/b][/h3] (Again, kinda optional. Do you wish to share with us how amazing your industry can be? This is the section for it! Major industrial methods, complexes and such can be also mentioned here.) [h2][b]Military Information[/b][/h2][h3][b]Military Overview[/b][/h3] (Describe your military in general. For a select few types of civs this might be alone enough.) [h3][b]Space Forces[/b][/h3] (Describe your space fleets in more detail. You can also list your important ship and other unit types but nobody is forcing you. But keep in mind, no Death Stars!) Navy Doctrine: How does your navy operate in a general sense? What are the strategies and tactics commonly employed? What design philosophies are used and how are the affected by your country’s strategies. In short: what can we expect to see from your country’s navy? Bonus points if you give your doctrine a real name such as fleet-in-being. [h3][b]Ground Forces[/b][/h3] (Describe your ground forces, too. This is especially important in this RP since ground/planetary combat will enjoy a spotlight. So we do suggest you to take extra attention to this section.) Ground Doctrine: How do your ground forces operate in a general sense? What are the strategies and tactics commonly employed? What design philosophies are used and how are the affected by your country’s strategies. In short: what can we expect to see from your country’s ground forces? Bonus points if you give your doctrine a real name such as human wave. [/hider]