[h1][b]Rafael[/b][/h1] Rafael watched the plague doctor dive into the pile of scrolls. That got a kind of low chuckle from the anomaly. Going over he looked over the scrolls, they were kind of small, probably because the woman couldn't list every single detail since they were all virtually unknown to her. So reaching in he snagged the largest since he displayed the most 'weaponry' and characteristics. Lo and behold it was his scroll. Which promptly vanished into his hand with a dull crunch. The heavily clothed magi was helping the lizardman with his shelter. Whatever they can have all kinds of fun with their dirt. Finally things seemed to be getting underway. He followed along beside Mable with his hands claps behind his head. They entered the cave and the voice from before popped up, except it was supposedly a recording. "Most recordings don't actually say they're a recording unless the message is on repeat." He called out, his tone dull. He felt like they were actually in a game and the game master was just being childish and trying to mess with them. It worked on Mable but it really didn't work with the mutated being. Robots appeared which seemed to liven Rafael up a bit. "Feels like home now." He said with a laugh before peeling off to the right. Bobbing and weaving between the plasma fire as if he had done this before. As he moved he counted how many shots were fired before they stopped. Three seconds, more than enough time. If anyone was looking at him they'd see his arms bulge briefly before two large eggs were released from his palms. They grew large before splitting in a wash of green sludge to reveal two of the scariest looking canine-like creatures the group had probably ever seen. "Go, circle around." He mumbled to his 'pets. The plasma fire kicked up again, but he was on the other side of the wall to the room the robot was camped in. Rafael's whole arm changed this time, not just his hands. It became long, his fingers three great claws, and spines jutted out along the length. When the shots ceased his arm literally whipped around the corner and grabbed the robot by its head before dragging it back and hurling the mechanical being into the wall closest to the group. Meanwhile his creatures had circled around the right side of the room and the T shaped wall. They were coming up on the 'leader droid'. One was charging along the ground the other was clinging to the ceiling and moving a little less swift.