Kaze simply raised an eyebrow when the human pathfinder started to talk to him. She got right to business, but that was a preferred trait honestly. "Your language isn't hard to pick up, but I'm surprised your leaders didn't tell you I was coming here. I just came from your main ship...base, whatever you lot call it." He rumbled out before turning his slightly glowing eyes to Cora. Ryder went off to talk to the mercenary while Kaze moved closer to the pale haired second in command. "So what have you got?" He questioned while crouching down a bit so he was closer to eye level with Cora. Given the scars on his body and armor he was clearly a warrior and was expecting a map of some sort with battle plans or evacuation plans. Maybe some potential target areas needing to be wrecked. Oddly though he was completely unarmed, not a gun or weapon in sight on his bloodstained self.