[i]"dont crowd her to much" [/i] Xaven said mentally to Drake and Ralph [i]"the Sheriff isnt going to do anything to her"[/i] making the boys back off, as Jack came in. "nice to see you again Sheriff" Xaven said from the kitchen. "i'd come shake your hand, but im juggling two Skillets here" he called out, and he was as he continued cooking as he listened to Vanessa discussing the Deputy and his obsession for how they lived out here. Drake and Ralph perched around her as she and the Sheriff talked, and it didnt take long for them to hear that Mr. Deputy would be told to back off. "i'd offer you a BLT sheriff for the road, but i know how your wife, being the local Doctor and all is a dangerous woman to cross so.. no bacon for you" Once gone, Drake and Ralph came back in to help, taking over as Xaven moved to Vanessa and picked her up in his arms. "remind me to vote for him next county election" he smiled, kissing Vanessa deeply and passionately. "ewww, Alpha slobber" Drake teased, pinching Lesley's ass playfully when she walked by. "so that means we can run now" Drake asked. "we'll stay close" Xaven said. "but a run shouldnt attract any attention if we do that, and we'll be careful of anyone in the woods and keep away from people but yea, we can run" Drake sighed. "oh yea" looking relived. "its not right, keeping this fine specimen of wolf all cooped up" Xaven rolled his eyes. "fine Specimen? those self delusions of yours are getting worse" Drake smirked. "oh yea, i say wrestling match in the back yard, just make sure Ness isnt watching, i dont want her to see me making her man cry like a bitch" grinning as Xaven laughed. "the last time you tried that, you pissed yourself Drake, so i dont think Xaven is going to be the bitch, but i'll take some of that action"