[hider=Quote] [quote=@Lucius Cypher] [@71452K] To put it simply, Zel trusts me, I'm familiar with his style, I do know posting etiquette. Putting our differences aside, I do engage in others cooperatively. In fact I actively seek to collaborate with them and communicate with others in order to facilitate better cooperation, as oppose to just assuming they want to work with me. And if they don't, that's fine. We simply don't do anything together and go out separate ways. As for my quality or writing and responsibility over the OoC and plot, I am also involved in those things. That is in fact why I even bothered to discuss with you about your previous post and why I am a Co-gm now. Because there was a problem with your post, which Zel has brought to me, but you refused to change it and now we have to settle for a messy, slightly confusing solution. If you want to continue to question these choices, you're free to do so. But Zel made his choice and that won't change. This is something you can accept and enjoy the RP as best you can or you can keep deny it and find the RP more troublesome. [/quote] [/hider] That's all I needed to know. ...I think I see a bit of how donald trump got to be president. Anyway, unfortunately, I have to choose the unmentioned option C. College projects have been piling up for me too so ...I might not have time for this. Yeah, that's it. So I am ...erm ....busy. [hider=Insistence doesn't make for Truth. You know?] There was no problem with my post, just you being upset that your plans for making another player exclusive to you did not work out, and I coincidently decided to engage with said player in my post which the player isn't opposed to. Which greatly upsets you. Players are people, not objects. They have free will, y'know? We can always roll back to IC to double-check facts. :). I've got a feeling that you and the host are linked in more ways than trust, which led to your sudden suprising promotion to Co-GM. [s]But meh, it is pointless for me to speculate anymore.[/s] Nevermind, suspicion confirmed at 3.42pm. Good to know! Disgusting, but good to know. I'm dropping this roleplay like a hot potato asap. [/hider] ------- To: [@Spriggs27][@ManoftheNorth][@2plus2isnot5][@Rekaigan][@Kalleth] It was a real pleasure getting to write with you all. I bid you have fun while it lasts and may we meet in other, future roleplays. ------- To host of this thread: I will take care of my character's own leave of the IC of this thread, out of common courtesy, expect the post in 2 days time. Keep on hosting the way you do and don't ever change your username! I really want to be able to recognize which roleplays you're in/hosting.