Fyaira sidestepped the boar's first charge with ease, and once she was out of the way, she held her dagger out to the side and allowed the monster to charge right through it.The blade pierced its body with a glow of red and its health bar inched downward. The boar turned in her direction, but before it could make another move, it was slowed by an ice attack of Alisea's. That distracted the beast and turned its attention away from Fyaira. Smirking, the rogue decided the distraction was just the opportunity she needed to stab the boar where it hurt most - in exactly the place the patch of frostbite remained. It seemed Jack had a similar idea, 'cause he ended up shooting the same place. The attacks had two effects on the boar. For one, they lowered its HP considerably. More interestingly, the boar turned from one assailant to the next, as if confused. Fyaira figured at least two of them must have earned an equal amount of aggro. But she was the only melee player present, so it was her job to hold the boar's attention! So, when it turned away, she stabbed it right in the neck. it squealed and, to her surprise, jerked its head to the side, hitting her wrist. Fyaira winced as her own HP gauge dropped a little. "You stupid pig!" she shouted, slashing the monster's back with her other hand as she retracted the injured one. All things considered, the boar hadn't hurt her that much - she had suffered far worse IRL - but, for the first time, a twinge of nervousness flickered in her heart. Once again, the boar's attention was firmly locked on her. She gritted her teeth and stood her ground. There was no way she would lose to such an easy enemy! One way or another, she was gonna have bacon for supper! [@TaroAndSelia] [@Thecrash20]