[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358494681383960576/image.png?width=493&height=182[/img][/center] Mamoru nodded her head as Yoshiro corrected her. His version made sense. She just figured that maybe a hundred kicks could be done instead, and the other nine hundred could be spent learning different techniques. But that’s why she doesn’t do any martial arts. [color=pink]”That makes sense. Certainly sounds better than what I was thinking. Gratzi Yoshiro-san!”[/color] Mamoru bowed her head towards Yoshiro as she turned her attention back to Reina. Reina was still being shy, and Mamoru supposed she couldn’t blame her. Mamoru wasn’t much of a thinker, but she had some idea that her attitude wasn’t exactly common. She was far too aggressive compared to other people. If anyone knew Mamoru, they’d always say that she was the type to jump into things. Mamoru normally didn’t think about that, but in this instance she was aware that she might have been pushing Reina too hard. Mamoru knew nothing about Reina except her powers, and barely even that. Heck, Mamoru didn’t even talk to her until after the hero battle. And now she’s made herself Reina’s best friend, and they probably don’t even know how old each other are. To Mamoru something like this was normal, but for Reina maybe it was too much. For once, Mamoru had to stop and think, instead of just rushing in. Of course Mamoru wasn’t good at thinking. But she could at least take it slow. Reina said that she’d join Yoshiro’s training session whenever Kenichi or Mamoru joined, which was a good start. Mamoru then closed in to huge Reina around the shoulder. [color=pink]”That’ll do, Reirei-chan. That’ll do.”[/color] Unfortunately they didn’t get a chance to do anymore training today when there was a giant explosion. Mamoru turned back and saw some of the training rooms grow dark, and then Acion and Arsenal started carrying some students out. Mamoru had no idea what happened, but if she had to guess those two girls had an epic fight. Arsenal ended the class and everyone was dismissed, though they had to put their equipment away. Looking to the others Mamoru bowed her head. [color=pink]”It was fun talking to you all! I got loads of stuff I need to get rid of, so I’ll catch ya tomorrow! Or whenever!”[/color] Mamoru looked to Reina. Mamoru wasn’t sure if how hard she should support her friend, but Mamoru would worry about that sort of thing later. She smiled at Reina, eventually letting go of her hand. [color=pink]”Let’s hang out after school! I have a bunch of homework we could do together.”[/color] And with that Mamoru went to return the weapons to their respective places. She was tempted to just throw them all into a pile and let someone else clean them up, but she wasn’t going to do that on her first day. She needed to get some more experience under her belt, get chummy with Arsenal, or else he might write Mamoru up for recklessly handling the equipment. Once Mamoru did get all her things put away she headed back to their homeroom to gather her school supplies and headed to her next class: Villain Studies! [@Riegal][@Aerandir][@Zeroth] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358493964854231041/image.png?width=335&height=88[/img][/center] Just as Donny and Hakura finished their onigiri’s, Culinary Class was over. The Connoisseur handed out some tupperware to put the onigiri in. Donny made a lot of onigiri for himself but he wanted to share them with Hakura too. Even if she couldn’t eat nearly as much as Donny could. [color=firebrick]”Ah… G-Go ahead and have whatever y-y-you want. I’ll just clean up.”[/color] Donny stammered as class came to an end. He seemed much more confident while he cooked than after. He took all the pots and dishes and started to wash them using lukewarm water. By the time he finished Hakura was probably done packing up her onigiri, so Donny packed up his. Of course not before helping himself to two, or seven of the rice balls. Delicious hand-made egg and tuna onigiri. Once he had his meal packed up and in his back Donny grabbed his things and turned towards Hakura. Although they worked together just fine during their cooking class, Donny seemed nervous around her. Since she was a girl and all. [color=firebrick]”U-Um, I g-g-guess this is where w-w-we part ways.”[/color] Donny said in an archaic fashion. And his usual cadence. He smiled and rubbed the back of his head before trying to pad out this conversation. [color=firebrick]”M-My next class is Quirk A-A-Application. So I guess I’ll s-s-s-s-see you later. Goodbye!”[/color] Bowing his head Donny excused himself and left to his next class. Not his smoothest exit. Pacing to his next class Donny snacked on his onigiri, already clearing two out of his five boxes before even getting halfway there. Hakura’s tuna mayo mix was pretty good. Of course Donny’s own was great too, the lemon zest really gave it a sweet-sour twist to it. He’s never eaten something he didn’t like, even if it was literally shit off the floor. But he doesn’t really tell people he does that. As he walked to class he overheard the intercom saying that Jett’s mom was here. He was a bit worried about that; what happened to Jett or even his family that would make his mom come over? Then Donny started thinking. Did it have anything to do with what happened at lunch? Donny froze and thought about it. While all eyes were on Ezra, what if one of those people from A2 had done or said something that got Jett into trouble? Maybe they ratted on the teachers and made Jett look like he was also involved in Ezra’s attack, and in fact what happened to Ezra? Donny was nervous as hell. As he pondered he noticed Jett and Mina walking towards Quirk Application. Mina started walking away, likely to let Jett go see what's going on. Donny went over to Mina with a look of concern. [color=firebrick]”H-H-Hey, what’s happening with J-Jett? Is h-he in trouble?”[/color] [@Eggs][@Aerandir][@Silver Carrot]