[hider=#10, the Gestalt] [h3]∟ NAME[/h3] Ansel [h3]∟ FIELD NAME[/h3] Gestalt [h3]∟ RANK[/h3] 10 [h3]∟ CLASS[/h3] [color=ed1c24]Hostile[/color] [h3]∟ GENDER[/h3] Male [h3]∟ PHYSICAL PROFILE[/h3] [center][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5945/eee7d6af71930411f5a786f68bdba227b6d92517_hq.jpg[/img][/center] At 6'1, 210 lbs., Ansel stands at the cusp and pinnacle of adolescence and adulthood; he boasts feats of strength comparable to intermediate weightlifters and finesse on par with the best of gymnasts. If it weren't the additional abilities EVE has provided for her Children, he could very easily cripple, maim, and kill his single-digit siblings within a matter of seconds. Trained personnel already have an incredibly difficult time subduing the flexible child without resorting to chemicals like mace and/or anesthetics, and his unpredictable behaviors only complicate proper containment. As such, his collar has been outfitted in the likeness of Alma's, though the anesthetic's dosage has been amped to knock out an elephant, and has an additional failsafe that will drive a serrated spike into his brain stem. He has an olive-toned skin color, green eyes, and black hair, and has a continual lack of blemishes (see Abilities). [h3]∟ PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE[/h3] Ansel has often proven himself to be a conundrum when it comes to interacting with personnel and other Children, and he has been the cause of trauma - both psychological and physical - to his guardians. A following dossier of several incidents have been provided. Other than the mentioned incidents below, Ansel can be considered a poet or an entertainer. He likes learning about humans on a deeper level, and will not hesitate to play therapist with particularly troubled individuals. [center][hider=Awakening]When first awoken, Ansel threw several researchers across the room before proceeding to beat the door to the outside. When confronted by the guards, he wrestled and dislocated both of his own arms to bite a guard in the shoulder (said guard now has a stem-cell replacement to make up for the missing chunk of flesh), and within seconds utilized the guard's keycard to escape into the hallway, where he made a quick pass over every room to search for his siblings. The Children who were designated #11-#128 were ignored entirely, and though he came close to #1, he never could quite make it through the door; the back of his kneecaps were hit by rubber pellets, and one final slug to the back of his head knocked him unconscious.[/hider] [hider=The Deal with Digits]After the first incident, Ansel became passive, and was temporarily re-classified as such. When asked to show his ability, Ansel expressed his desire for something to eat, and continued to do so after a granola bar, a sandwich, half of a fried chicken, and three MRE's. When told that there was nothing else left to eat for the day, Ansel became aggressive, pounced on a guard, and exhibited his first ability (see Abilities). Ansel then broke containment again in search of his single-digit siblings (they were both located in the same general direction relative to his position), but was subdued with live fire. After being taken back to the testing room, Ansel expressed in perfect English that he "needed to unite" with his siblings, "to taste and savor them" so that he would "know them". When asked about his double-digit siblings, Ansel shook his head and addressed them as "morsels that only satiate, not fulfill". When asked later about his triple-digit siblings, he tilted his head as though unaware of their existence. He tends to favor other Children with high offensive output.[/hider] [hider=The Birth of Gestalt]See Abilities.[/hider] [hider=Personnel Notes]When taken out of confinement, Ansel must be escorted by a team of four guards armed with firearms using nonlethal rounds, all of which will have access to his collar's controls. A surveillance team of four must also monitor him 24/7 in shifts composed of 8 hours each. The escort team will comply and support the containment teams of Single-Digits as needed.[/hider][/center] [h3]∟ ABILITIES[/h3] [center]Gestalt[/center][hr] Ansel can assume a Hydra-like form that is humanoid in shape, and from thereon bind to any humanoid entity less than 10 feet tall. When bound, Ansel will form a layer of reactive armor around his ward and amplify his own physical abilities. The magnitude of this amplification depends on the ward that he is bound to. After reverting back to his humanoid state, Ansel's skin will completely recover. Breaking his exoskeleton, however, will result in a similar result to breaking a bone, and hitting the inside of his armor will be the same as a direct blow to any of his vital organs. [list] [*]Humans - Regular humans will be granted double that of Ansel's own physical abilities, making them relatively superhuman in their own right. The rate of consumption is highest here, though, and most humans will be fully digested (and yes, killed) within two minutes. .22 LR bullets will not bruise or injure the user. [*]Triple-Digits - Upon binding to a triple-digit, Ansel will double the Child's ability in some form or capacity while his own abilities are doubled. The digestion process is bumped up to 30 minutes, ample enough time for a single encounter. .45 bullets will not bruise or injure the user. [*]Double-Digits - Upon binding to a double-digit, Ansel will double the Child's ability in some form or capacity (and his own by a factor of 3), and can create extensive defensive mechanisms from #64-#11 that can block SABOT rounds passively. #99-#64 will have defensive capabilities rendering them impervious to the equivalent of 5.56 bullets. The digestion process is 15 minutes. [*]Single-Digits - Upon binding to a single digit, Ansel will double the Child's ability in some form or capacity, and will assume a unique form that will work best in tandem with the Single-Digit. The digestion process is 10 minutes. Anything short of a MOAB or napalm won't do much to phase the wearer. Single-digits are the most likely to dislocate their own bones from the extreme output of power that Ansel gains from them. [*]Loners - Ansel figures he can probably possess a Loner's body if the central nervous system is destroyed first or half-digested. Digestion time varies on the Loner's size itself, but the particularly strong Hydra are usually gobbled up within two minutes. [*]Passive Mode - Ansel can be worn and have his physical abilities override the user's at no digestion cost. No defensive capabilities are granted here. [*][s]Raving Mad[/s] - Ansel will pump a copious amount of endorphins into Single-Digits when worn, as he takes great pleasure in learning about every nook and cranny in the most unspeakable, deplorable of ways. Digestion becomes pleasurable for Single-Digits, with the experience comparable to that of ecstasy or copulation. [*]Hijack - When half-digested, Ansel can attempt to possess his wearer. When fully digested, the wearer's remains are dumped out to avoid ingesting any toxic leftovers. [*]Emergency Mode - Grievous damage to the CNS will lock into Gestalt form and will forcibly digest any wearer until his central nervous system is at a functional level. [/list] [center]Regenerate[/center][hr] Ansel can double his rate of Digestion to recover things like lost limbs and the like, but he must first be worn by something humanoid. Don't be surprised if he pounces on a civilian if he's heavily injured. [center]Consumption[/center][hr] Ansel can digest Hydra of any kinds to temporarily boost his physical capabilities as well as any boosts granted to his wearer, though he has to first consume the flesh as a human. The quality of flesh determines the scaling of the boost. [list] [*]Swarm - 50% boost. [*]Hunter - 100% boost. [*]Loner - 200% boost. [*]Colossi - He hasn't tried yet, but it won't be enough to take on a Colossi single-handedly. [/list] [h3]∟ WEAKNESSES[/h3] [list] [*]Post-Processsing - Ansel needs some time to recover after exiting his Gestalt state. Subsequent donning before an hour of rest will result in half-efficacy; the effect is compounded every subsequent donning. [*][s]Raving Mad[/s] - Ansel tends to get distracted at the idea of being united with one of his single-Digit siblings, and sometimes will lock up in a period of intense pleasure (5 seconds) with higher (#64-#11) Double-Digits and Single-Digits. [*]Exoskeleton - Ansel's Gestalt mode is not almighty; his vulnerable components are lined on the inside of his armor. If anything gets past the armor, he takes as much damage as the wearer receives. [/list][/hider] [hider=Thoughts on Siblings] [h3][i]"It would be nice getting to know you personally, my dear brothers and sisters. Just let me in, and everything will be fine..."[/i][/h3][hr][list] [*]Alpha - "...that's Mother. What the hell do you mean that's Alpha? Can't you smell her?! CAN'T YOU SMELL HER?!" [i]The interviewer is then pounced on, forced to don the Gestalt, and is digested in a record 30 seconds.[/i] [*]Centipede - "...oh, that smells good. Much like Mother, but different. I want her...so where is she? WHERE IS SHE?!" [i]The interviewer is then pounced on, forced to don the Gestalt, and is digested in a record 45 seconds.[/i] [*]Vector - "...is that...no, that's not Mother. Oh, but the smell is...I can't tell. It's just so...scrumptious." [i]The interviewer is then pounced on, forced to don the Gestalt, and is digested in a record minute.[/i] [*]Adam - "He's...he smells like Mother. Who is he? He's not...no, you're lying. WHERE DID HE TAKE MOTHER? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! WHERE IS SHE?!" [i]The interviewer is systematically amputated before being flung against the observing window; Ansel proceeds to bang on the door while demanding to be let out.[/i] [*]Monster - "He isn't one; stop kidding yourselves. He's many. You added too many. DON'T YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME!" [i]The interviewer is grabbed by the head, and is repeatedly slammed against the wall until the cranium is exposed.[/i] [*]Psyker - [i]A deep breath can heard through the mic.[/i] "Oh...you got a good one on the plate. But, do tell me this : how did you ever get her to have Mother's smell? Mind explaining that?" [i]The interviewer states firmly that Psyker has never been in contact with EVE.[/i] "...you fucking liar." [i]The interviewer is stabbed in the shoulder with a pen before being mauled alive by Ansel.[/i] [*]Reaper - "...you know, I didn't imagine the smell of Mother's flesh burning to be any good, but...damn, you got me." [i]Ansel smiles before pouncing over the table to tear the interviewer's kevlar apart and disembowel the interviewer. Ansel is seen to be shaking his head in dissatisfaction, presumably from the lacking taste of raw meat.[/i] [*]Abaddon - [i]Ansel takes a deep breath, and begins to gnaw on the dossier with great relish. As soon as a guard steps in to try and stop Ansel, the guard is pounced on and has his throat torn out. The interviewer tries to leave but is tackled to the ground and is forced to don the Gestalt before they can escape. After digestion, Ansel leaves the room by means of a keycard from the guard. He calls out for "Uncle" as opposed to "Mother" before being gunned down and apprehended.[/i] [*]Zombie - "...a little bit of Mother, and an endless supply of meat. The thought of it makes me...oh...Mother..." [i]The table goes flying towards the interviewer, crushing them from the waist up. Ansel systematically eats his way from the feet to the head.[/i] [*]Sixclaw - "Such a refined smell...for a little pathetic worm. Reminds me of the slaves of times old, where they groveled to labor." Ansel takes the photo, and gnaws on it casually. "Anything else?" [*]Red - [i]Ansel clicks his tongue.[/i] "A dear sister after my own heart." [*]Weaver - "...you want me to get the armor around [i]that[/i]?! Don't mind if I do. Don't mind if I do..." [i]Ansel licks his lips, and pounces on the interviewer.[/i] "Mind if I practice on you?" [*] [*]Echidna - [i]Ansel inhales deeply.[/i] "I can see how she relates to Mother, in many ways. I wonder how she tastes..." [i]Ansel pounces on the interviewer, and locks lips with them for a good thirty seconds before standing up and walking away.[/i] [*] [*]Blink - "Not very much like Mother...or any of us, for that matter. He's smells quite pleasant, though..." [i]Ansel offers the folder to the interviewer to sample, but is declined. Ansel shakes his head and backhands the interviewer with the folder before walking away to the corner of the room.[/i] [*]Puppeteer - "Quite a looker you've got here. Called 'Puppeteer', but...oh, I could lend a hand or two to help with that." [i]Ansel slides the dossier back, but snatches it for one last smell.[/i] "...what a nice smell." [*]EVE - "Untapped potential, unknown power. And a certain streak of violence, I read..." [i]Ansel closes the dossier with a loud snap.[/i] "Make me her friend and prove to me that she is worth her mother's name, or kill her. That's all I offer." [*]Pinpoint - "Quite a lot of credit you give, for a human that's useless without a gun. Don't try and label her otherwise." [*]Cipher - "...I don't think you understand what we're looking at, do you? If you look at this line over here..." [i]Ansel slams the interviewer's head into the table, and subdues them with a lanyard. The following hostage crisis is resolved with Ansel brutally [REDACTED]ing the interviewer until a guard finally opens the door, to which Ansel possesses, escapes, and kills a total of 24 guards before being subdued by 128's ability at the door. 128 is unlikely to have any knowledge of the incident.[/i] [/list] [/hider]