*Taboo falters slightly, realizing she's losing the upper hand in this situation. She shuts up for now, peeking her head over the top of the table* *Mergoux flat out ignores Sasha, seemingly driven into a rage so intense it blocks out all external sound and vision. She lets out a roar of vengeance-filled fury and leaps at Taboo, aiming for where her head peaks over the lip.* *Xan cautiously steps back, knowing that she's done her best for Eustace. She looks between Zeta and him and realizes how Zeta seems to feel about the strange man. She kneels next to Zeta and puts hand on her shoulder* Xan: We do all we can, to save ones we love, yes? Well, then we did best we can. Now it up to him to heal good. *She nods once then stands back up* Xan: I go... err... what is word... for-ag-ing? I look for... plants... herbs. Healing things. I be back quick-quick okay? *She pats Zeta's head and walks towards the front door just in time to leap back with a start as Jilial drags Horus through the door and very nearly collapses. She seems to recognize where she is and stops. She looks down at Horus again and is about to say something when Hanna comes into the main room. The ancient being and the young woman exchange glances for a moment before Hanna bursts into tears and runs to Jilail, hugging her so tightly that the Dragon-lady's face creases in pain beyond the emotional. She kneels down and holds her adopted daughter close, her hot tears still rolling down her face. She still hasn't spoken for the hours it's taken them to bring Horus back, or given any real emotional reaction to anything other than her tears* *Her tail curls around the sobbing young girl as Jilial slowly falls on her side, her expression remaining blank as she seemingly holds on for dear life.*