[hider] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://static.zerochan.net/Matsunaka.Hiro.full.1234222.jpg[/IMG] [url=https://www.zerochan.net/1234222]Link[/url][/center] [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Asha Zaveri [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Flame:[/b] Sun [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Strengths:[/b] [list] [*] [u]Agility[/u] - Asha is fast but she is also in control of her body to a great degree. She holds the strength and mobility to bob, weave, and turn and flex on a dime. Her agility allows her to quickly dart for something or dodge something on instinct. [*] [u]Endurance[/u] - Asha holds superior endurance, it is probably her greatest strength. She can run for great lengths, last through muscle fatigue for longer than most, and even has quite a pain tolerance. Asha also can swim/hold her breath for long duration and she is very sturdy when it comes to taking damage or being resilient. [*] [u]Swift[/u] - Asha is fast. She is really fast. She was never as good at track and field as she was tennis in terms to placing and competitions, but she can outrun 90% of any ordinary teenage school girl her age. She has been running and training to run for years and, backed by her endurance, she has great strength in her toned legs. [*] [u]Physical Strength[/u] - Asha holds great muscle tone, definition and power. She holds a lot of physical strength from the many sports and physical activities she enlists in. She, as an avid runner, has strong legs and, as an incredible tennis player, holds great upper body strength. Her muscles are very toned on her and she totally has a 6 pack that could turn coals into diamonds. [*] [u]Compassion[/u] - Another of her biggest strengths is her compassion for life and kindness. She holds substantial empathy and can bring herself down to anyone's level. She is considerate, loving and understanding of anyone and even those that hurt her deserve her kindness in her eyes. [*] [u]Eagle Eye Vision[/u] - Asha has 20/10 vision and can see a fly against the wall in a giant lecture hall. She has trained her eyes with years of tennis and can exceptionally well, even at night. [*] [u]Multilingual[/u] - Asha, like her brother, is able to speak 4 different languages. That's American English, French, Italian and Japanese. [/list] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [list] [*][u]Weak Mind[/u] - Asha has no familiarity with illusions and no ability to fight, ward, or escape them. [*][u]Pacifistic[/u] - Asha can be overly empathetic and empathize with the wrong people. As such, she somewhat doesn't see anyone as a "bad person" no matter what they do. She doesn't like to fight, harm, or watch others get injured and would rather be hurt than hurt another person. It takes having to save someone elses' life for her to be forced to fight someone else. [*][u]Reckless[/u] - Unfortunately, Asha has no sense of caution. She is virtually fearless in that she will do anything without worry or care for the consequences. She is the sort of girl that would totally get into a white van parked outside the school that says "free puppies" on it. She doesn't hesitate before speaking and will recklessly try something simply for the adventure. [*][u]Naive[/u] - Asha is very gullible and will take what others say at face value. She would never think someone would lie to her on purpose, unless they told her, and would very openly trust a stranger. Her naievity stems from her compassion and willingness to understand others and makes her a quick target for scams, treason, and being taken advantage of. [*][u]Astrophobic[/u] - She is afraid of lightning. This came from her brother accidentally throwing a lightning bolt at their brand new puppy. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Asha is a total sweetheart. She is always seen smiling or laughing or sharing a pleasant story. She is very patient, kind, and affectionate to those that known her and, even to strangers, she is a complete sweetheart too. Asha is the sort of girl "everyone likes" because she doesn't start drama, she will help anyone, she is approachable, she shares, and, most of all, she is so understanding! Even if you are lying! She has absolute zero lie-detector ability and is the sort of person that would throw herself under a bus before anyone else. Only those that absolutely hate happy-go-lucky people could find any reason to not like her. [b]Backstory:[/b] Asha Zaveri has somewhat of a complicated origin. Her father and mother are both military and were stationed in Okinawa, Japan where they met and eventually conceived their two children. Asha has an older brother, Alexei, whom was also born in Japan. Her father is Italian and French and her mother American French and her father immigrated to America from Italy and her mother from France. Coincidentally, both her grandparents are noteworthy and very powerful mafioso. Her paternal grandfather, Adriano Zaveri, is the head of the Zaveri mafioso family in Italy, which is very prominent in Italy and known for their distribution of party drugs and bodyguard profession. Her maternal grandmother is the second in command, wisest, and most powerful member of the Cocomo family with Asha's maternal aunt, Cecilia Cocomo the current head. Her grandmother, Edith Cocomo, runs the family behind the scenes. Their family are very heavy in manipulating businesses, bribery, and controlling European corporations in secret and also are heavily involved with the drug trade through France, Italy and some parts of England. The two families have somewhat of a rivalry which aggravated some with Rodolfo and Sara, her father and mother, getting married. Being born French-Italian with dual citizenship in America and Japan, Asha has had some difficulty establishing her cultural identity growing up. On her father's side were proud, hearty, loud Italians and on her mother's side were judgmental, arrogant, narcissistic, secluded and influential French who really dislike anyone who isn't them then there were her parents who are both proud Americans that try their best to keep out of both their family lifestyles and live their lives very structured, militant, by-the-book and follow the law and, lastly, there is her surroundings with the Japanese whom, completely, are far different than other other styles. Growing up Asha was always spoiled by her maternal family with material things, trips, and fine clothes then practically abducted by her paternal side with family gatherings, parties, sleep-overs, festivals and often times trips involving sleeping outdoors and there were her parents that loved to return home for holidays back to America and show their two children what they saw having both become Americans and traveled all over the country. Being introduced to so many different styles, walks of life, and having so many different adventures caused Asha to be very patient, polite and delicate. She never really had the chance, or time really, to adopt any particular culture into her life and, instead of becoming like anyone in her family in particular, she held a very accommodating personality. Asha is the definition of open-minded, pacifistic and compassionate as one that always sees the glass as half full. Her optimism stems, mostly, from being around a multitude of her family's fights, hearing both sides, and realizing that most drama in life is due to misunderstanding others and, as such, she gained a sort of maturity and patience well beyond her years that turned her into a "Watcher" over a "Doer", unlike her older brother. Currently, her family bought a large house Sengenka a month after the two both retired and Asha is brand new to the small town. Her and her brother got a puppy and were prepping their life for their future in Sengenka. Asha developed a slight fear of lightning when her brother accidentally electrocuted their pet puppy a few days ago. Being new to the town, this is her first year at Sogen High though, unlike any other kid her age, she is not nervous. Seeing new things and new places has been her entire life! [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Tennis Style [indent]Asha was never really taught to fight and, as such, isn't particularly good at fighting. Although she can't fight hand-to-hand, Asha is an exceptional tennis player, swim athlete and fantastic track star. She holds an incredible endurance and can both swim and run for-seemingly-ever but her greatest skill is her eagle eye with tennis. Not only does she hold great power, but she also is quick and accurate with her racket. At her last school she was unmatched and when she attended a tournament in America she took 1st! Her accolades motivate her to get better and better. Like her parents, her brother, and both her sides of the family Asha is familiar with flames. She is aware she, like her father, bears Sun Flames and she is familiar with Box weapons, mafia fighting methods, and the adventures therein. Although aware, she has no need for such skills and has not yet incorporated such power into any facet of her life so, as one would expect of a 15 year old girl, she is just a tennis player as of now.[/indent] [/hider]