[Center][h2]Ryan Dwyer-Icehouse Hideout[/h2] [@yoshua171][@BCTheEntity][@Eklispe][@ProPro][@Old Amsterdam][/center] Ryan nodded at Chatterbox's words. [color=darkgray]"Good to hear, good to hear. A getaway plan is just the thing we need. As for infiltration, that's the easiest part of the job really. I turn into a shadow, go in and tase the guards, tie them up, then I let you guys in. And if there's some nasty Parahuman or threat in general I know I can't handle on my own I skip the tasing and go straight to letting you in. Maybe some tear gas would help if we're dealing with a large security force. Oh and we should obviously cut the power beforehand to give me maximum utility."[/color] He tapped his fingers on the bar counter as he fell into silence for a moment while Raymond spoke. [color=darkgray]"Smart way of approaching the situation, but I meant in general ideas rather than plans. Do we run if we see a Cape? Probably not but it could depend on the cape. Do we fight it out, does one of us fight it out while everyone else runs with the package? That reminds me, our getaway cars are going to have to be pretty big. The stuff we're stealing is not going to fit in a four door car. As lame as it is, we're gonna need a mom van unless we plan on carrying our box all the way back home. Which is terrible."[/color]