Jenso ducked low to try to avoid most of the ice shards as white flames erupted from his chest with a strong, controlled burst of flames which would hopefully allow him to slide further away, swiping at any that came close with his right hand that was still coated in defensive Ki. White flames violently bursted out of his body to straight up incinerate the water on his body as he moved to get rid of the bindings of water at the same time. With that done and while he was still low to the ground, he immediately slammed his hand into some of the cracks near the ground he'd created earlier and launched some white flames into them. The flames shot through the crevices with incredible speed, and a small geyser erupted violently right under Mikey's hands aimed to straight up incinerate them which would hopefully disrupt Mikey's technique. He began to channel more white flames with his feet into the ground as well, which didn't involve the cracks.