[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/14/35/25/14352589d880cd63ebf1876ade1da2c8.jpg[/img] [img]https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c4e1ecdabcf59c9453e41d21b9db6b78b70a447a137a47fd2af8e58c70ae2907.jpg[/img] Name: Katriina West Nickname: Riin Age: Looks to be about 17 or 18 but she's really several millennia old Gender: Female Powers/Skills: Can heal illnesses Power limits/Weaknesses(at least one if not more): She can't fix broken bones or anything more major than the flu. She's not terribly strong Species: Caladrius Crush: "None yet but let's do this and find out!" Relationship: "Nope" Personality: Riin is a very sweet-hearted girl. She doesn't like to see others in pain and has a very docile nature. When threatened with violence she clams up, scared since she can't do anything to defend herself. She likes people but finds it hard to talk to others so she's typically found close to the walls being an awkward wall bird. History: Riin was born in early Roman times. She's spent her millennias of life in her Caladrius form healing those she's found sick. It's only been in the last century that she's taken to wandering around in a human form, trying to find something more than herself. When she came across the Supernatural Mansion she took a chance and here she is now. Other: I'm back!~ Desired room(pic or description): [img]https://i1.wp.com/comforterdecor.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/bedrooms-Bedroom-Modern-with-atrium-attic-attic-space.jpg?fit=990%2C790[/img] [/center]