[@agentnumalol]I am too! I'm so thankful to everyone who's posted and come back after the roleplay's not-so brief Hiatus. I really appreciate it :) I've always wanted to try and get into Tekken because of the neat characters, but I'm skittish about fighting games. Competitive stuff always ends up making me feel bad when I lose. [quote]since it's really not going to add anything interesting to loot tables or settings, but I'm super in love with the idea of electric punching some monsters or bandits as a permanently furious Japanese devil CEO. [/quote] Honestly I'm willing to be flexible with that kind of thing. I prefer it if games added to the roleplay add at least [i]something[/i], but if someone wants to play a character from a certain series that doesn't break everything then I'm willing to roll with it. Tekken is all about the characters really, so adding it wouldn't add anything but it also wouldn't hurt anything. At least to my knowledge. Maybe I'm missing some super OP element to it.