[quote=Kalamadea] Holodeck is actually possible. It's not that different from today's virtual reality, just applied to an entire room rather than goggles.I still don't see how there's extreme stress on a Gauss gun, or how it can possibly be expensive to make. That full-auto rifle I showed you probably only cost around 20 to 30 bucks to make, and most of that price is the metal. Electronics are dirt cheap even today, and they'll only get cheaper and better. If you're not gonna be realistic about this and go for futuristic fantasy instead of science fiction, I'm out. I was wanting science fiction, not fantasy. [/quote] Yes, this is science fiction! what is 'Fantastic' about firearms? And do you have any idea of the stress the materials suffer? the act of firing the weapon and pumping the energy through the rails/coils eventually causes the rails and coils to break down, and by eventually, I mean several shots! Did you know we have developed large railguns? and that they can only fire twice before they break, which is why we don't use them? Just because it's more advanced doesn't mean it's more realistic! I told you no several times, and gave reasonable explanations for my decision every time. In fact, all I said was you don't start with one! I never denied your precious coilguns! I just said they were high-end and rare. In any event, resource scarcity [i]will[/i] make them more expensive. Go on, get out. I will not be further insulted.