*Taboo screams as Mergoux charges her. She transforms and dodges the Warrior's charge before sprinting past John to diver behind the bar* Taboo: SASHA! SOMEBODY! CRAZY B&@#& TRYING TO KILL MEEEEE-AAAAH! *Mergoux is roaring in unending rage as she runs after Taboo. She's completely lost all sense of anything else and focuses entirely on the Weretiger* *Jilial doesn't seem to pay attention but Hanna listens closely. However, the smell of blood is beginning to overpower her as Jilial and now herself are both covered in it from Horus. She trembles in Jilial's arms and asks to be let down. Jilial doesn't pay any attention, forcing Hanna to forcibly break her adopted mother's grip. She runs to her room and eats a hand or two to sate her hunger.* *After Hanna leaves Jilial gives a little whimper and curls up into a ball, her broken wings still hanging raggedly from her body. She seems dead to the world and doesn't pay any attention as Xan slowly walks to her and carefully starts trying to help her by working on her wings* *Xan works carefully, her face full of sympathy* *Tiaz is rather busy trying to figure out what Lyrium does without actually taking any. After having forced a re-captured slave to take it, he experiments on her to see what, if any, her reactions are. Afterwards he smiles to himself and tucks the rest of the bag away, knowing Taboo would enjoy it.* *He finally hobbles out of his cave and heads into the woods, following the scent of blood*