While not always the most outwardly kind of individuals, Marcaille saw the fear in Sabine. "Don't worry, we'll get this all sorted. I had some of the others start preparing as soon as Rhazii warned me. They should be ready for you." Although, she did have to gently push Sabine off of herself so she could get to Kaleeth more quickly. She gathered from Fendros' words the nature of her injury, so while Rhazii was moving to help carry her, Marcaille walked up alongside to very gently place her hand on Kaleeth's forehead, which soon started to glow. "This isn't anything to worry about. Just need to be careful, that's all." Marcaille stated. She had not actually had time to do any sort of examination; she merely needed to keep the child from panicking and potentially dropping her." Ahnasha crossed both of her arms over her chest to attempt to hide her injury from Rhazii. The last thing she wanted was for him to be afraid for her. Meanwhile, Julan was even more distraught than Rhazii due to his age, and the fact that it was his own mother who was most obviously hurt. He was in tears as he ran up to Janius and Kaleeth. "M-mother? What's wrong, is she...you said she's going to be alright. She is going to be okay, right father?" He stammered. Julan was obviously terrified, but in his panic, he was somewhat getting in the way.