[center][b]Powerhouse Street Tier[/b][/center] [hider=Grim][center][b]Superhero/villain Name[/b]: Grim [b]Civilian Name[/b]: Zoey Kasimir [b]Origin city/Planet[/b]: Blackrock [b]Hometown[/b]: Gotham [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Race[/b]: Human (Caucasian) [b]Height[/b]: 6’1’’ [b]Weight[/b]: 147 lbs. [b]Age[/b]: 35 [b]Birth Date[/b]: December 13th, 1984[/center] [hr] [hider=Costumed Appearance][u]Front[/u] [img]https://puu.sh/xAOe0/296682e886.png[/img] [u]Back[/u] [img]https://puu.sh/xAEaR/ab2a60c7c4.png[/img] [u]Lower Mask[/u] [img]https://puu.sh/xAO9s/f56ed47b22.png[/img] [u]Goggles[/u] [disregard lower portion] [img]https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1lqNpRXXXXXacXpXXq6xXFXXXQ/New-Cool-Retro-Vintage-Motorcycle-Helmet-Mask-for-Harley-Motos-Half-Helmet-Detachable-Goggles-Glass-And.jpg[/img] [u] Other Details[/u] Also wears black gloves and a black full head mask, similar to a balaclava. The lower mask goes over it. Wears full black eye contacts, in case the goggles on her mask break. The lower mask acts as both an air filtration system as well as a voice changer to a more masculine tone. Underneath the jacket is a bulletproof vest, and her pants are padded with kevlar. Lastly, wears a binder across her chest underneath the outfit.[/hider] [hider=Civilian Appearance] [img]https://puu.sh/xASUS/2ae47707cc.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Icon] [img]https://d30y9cdsu7xlg0.cloudfront.net/png/67107-200.png[/img][/hider] [b]Costumed Personality[/b]: The best way to describe Grim while on the job would be intense, perhaps even ruthless. She has no fear when it comes to breaking a few bones to those that cross her path to get her point across, especially if she thinks it will stop them from just spilling back out onto the streets as soon as they’re released. She’s far more reluctant to take a life however, though she has done so before. Grim is of the mind that some people can’t be rehabilitated and deserve to be put down like dogs – but at the same time she struggles with the distinction as she knows that justifying the action becomes easier, and is afraid she’s become too jaded to make the distinction. Grim takes care to hide as much as she can of her rather public civilian persona, and as such will use brutal efficiency to get the job done. She prefers surprise attacks and is well aware there’s no honor on the streets. To further hide her other self Grim attempts to never, ever speak in costume – but in the rare cases she does the voice changer and binder of her outfit have led to most people assuming Grim is male. Despite having an excellent memory she will also disregard things she doesn’t seem relevant, and so can absolutely not be bothered to remember other vigilante’s names and will provide her own nickname for them. [b]Civilian Personality[/b]: To the public Zoey Kasimir is a bit of a ditz, though a ditz with a rather elegant bearing. This is due to the fact that Zoey attempts to be aloof and untouchable, but in truth can be quick to anger if the right buttons are pressed, and will lash out. She can also come across as a bit thoughtless and bitter, and at times with her biting attitude seemingly a bully. Truth be told it’s rather accidental though, as Zoey is too preoccupied with her own problems and activities to care about harassing others. When not stressed out and actually relaxed however she’s a bit of a flirt to those that catch her interest, playful and perhaps even a touch awkward. One of the most aggravating things about her is that, due to having everything provided for her since a young age, Zoey can at times be clueless about money as well as ‘common’ life. For example she’s legitimately never been on a bus before and often carries hundreds of dollars without thinking it’s much. In private however Zoey just seems ... worn out. Tired. There seems to be no end of crime, and even worse, no end of those who get themselves hurt trying to follow in Grim’s steps. [center][b]Abilities[/b][/center] [u]Skills[/u] Money. Has a finely honed sense for fighting, particularly brawls, and further can ignore almost any pain she feels to keep on going. Knows multiple unarmed fighting techniques, but specializes in sambo martial arts and plain street fighting. Trained in using long ranged rifles, and is talented with projectiles. Is rather talented at scaling buildings and moving over Gotham’s architecture, perhaps even akin to parkour. Has advanced medical knowledge. [u]Powers[/u] None [u]Gadgets[/u] Grim’s gloves are specially made a veritable arsenal entirely on their own, composed of both the leather of the hands as well as metal gauntlets that cover her entire forearm underneath her jacket. It has multiple layers to protect against the gadgets built into them, and metal over the knuckles in long lines back up to mid forearm. This is due to the fact that the metal can also be extended from the forearm to act as climbing claws if necessary. This is more than just modern metal however, as the thick claws can puncture a car frame. On the right glove’s palm is a modified, built-in defibrillator that can be increased to a higher powered setting in order to double as a taser. On the top part of the glove, nestled between the climbing claws, are small projectile prongs that act as a true taser, launching forward to attach to someone not in melee range and shock them. They can be broken off immediately after so Grim isn’t attached to the person, and there’s three sets of them in the glove at once. The left glove however is the reason that Grim wears a gas mask, as two chemicals are located in this one. From the palm comes concentrated anaesthesia, advanced medical techniques allowing Grim to carry a large amount in a liquid form that, on exiting the gloves, goes into a gaseous state. On top of the left glove are two more holes nestled between the climbing claws, these ones ejecting tear gas in a mace-like fashion. As this remains in a mostly liquid form on exiting the gloves Grim can also apply a small spark to light up the liquid in a miniature flamethrower, with the nozzles stopping any flames from backlash into the line. Along the inner gauntlet on the left is a small compartment which holds a number of swabs with their own container, all fresh for collecting samples. On the right gauntlet is a similar compartment, but instead holds three small tracking bugs, the size of a dime and about as thick. As mentioned before Grim’s lower mask acts as both a voice changer and gas mask, but the goggles have their own built in function as well. Brimming with tech, they can zoom in, record, and have both night vision and heat opticals. The two sides of the lenses can each be doing something different, so while the left side of the lens zooms in the other side can remain at standard sight. When recording the footage is instantly uploaded to Grim’s home servers, with a delay of less than twenty seconds, up to thirty when in remote areas. As the whole mask also connects with and doubles as her cellphone when needed, the lenses can also display texts sent to her cell number and any missed calls, and the frame on the left side covers her ear so she can listen to anything needed as well as Gotham’s police scanner. Built into the left side of the frame is also a small, but powerful flashlight. Grim’s belt holds three pouches along the front-left, each small and containing something different. One holds a small electromagnet that can erase audio and video recordings as well as fry as hard drive. Another holds old-fashioned lockpicks and a state of the art electric key cracker. The third has police-grade zipties. On the back left is a couple loops of rope-wire, and along the right side are seven small throwing blades made of titanium. There are blades that can emerge from the front of each of Grim’s boots, one per boot, about an inch and a half thick. Small spikes can also emerge from the bottom for traction in icy situations, but are usually left alone. Lastly, tucked beneath the back of her coat is a rather highly stocked first aid kit. Safety first, kids! At Zoey’s home in the basement, behind a hidden wall in the wine cellar, is also the last ‘gadget’ - one that can’t be carried around with her. It’s a state of the art computer system, with multiple servers for the wealth of recordings and files she takes every night. There’s also an actual DNA lab, provided by her company Blackrock Medical and so on the very cutting edge. Using the swabs in her gauntlet she has a rather large collection of profiles for those she comes across, aided by one of her allies in the police department. [u]Weapons[/u] Most of Grim’s weaponry doubles as gadgets and is listed above, however in Grim’s home are a number of firearms – mostly rifles, including a long range sniper rifle. Most notably however is that due to paranoia several items around Zoey’s home double as swords or knives, such as one blade being hidden in the coat rack. [b]Civilian Occupation[/b]: Owner of “Kasimir Realty” and “Blackrock Pharmaceuticals and Medical” [hr] [center][b]Character History/Origin[/b][/center] As the first and only child to the Kasimir family Zoey was the pride of her parents’ life, and with their social status never had to want for anything. While both her parents came from upper class families and luxury their fortune truly came from her father’s side of the family, as aside from successful companies passed down the family line he was not only a talented surgeon who was very highly sought after due to his near hundred percent survivability on his performances, but so was her grandfather – the very man who once looked after The Impossibles. It was her grandfather, Dr. Zoltan Kasimir who founded Blackrock Pharmaceuticals and Medicine, using the capitol and fame from working with the Impossibles to keep medicine on the cutting edge. Kasimir Realty had already been in the family by then, but also prospered from Dr. Kasimir’s influence. Zoey never knew her grandfather but grew up hearing tales about not only him but those he worked with from her father, Dr. Zaden Kasimir. He was always happy to tell her tales of their heroic deeds and justice, with her mother often playfully exasperated and commenting he likes those stories more than them. For years they were a happy family unit, not having to struggle and living in the lap of luxury. It was only when Zoey started school did she start to realize her life wasn’t perfect. She was six when the exasperation was no longer playful, and the affectionate whispers her parents shared with upturned lips turned to harsh accusations and clenched teeth. Though they held on as long as they could to their marriage, at least for the sake of their daughter, the escalating disgust was coming to its very inevitable conclusion. Yet it never came to that, but Zoey feverently wished that it did. It was around when the ‘divorce’ word was finally being vocalized that the route was violently derailed. An accident happened – Zoey’s mother had been out shopping when, out on the streets, someone knocked into her and she lost her footing to fall into the path of an incoming vehicle. She didn’t even make it to her husband’s operating table. While Zaden was briefly looked at due to their known impending divorce, it was obvious he wasn’t a part of it – it was just an accident. Following her mother’s subsequent funeral Zoey withdrew into herself, much to her father’s concern. It’s what prompted him to dismiss a good portion of their staff and quit his job to spend more time at home with his little joy, his work no longer centerfold to the day. He was always willing to tell her stories of the old Impossibles, before King’s infamous time, and would happily tell her in little kid terms how important the medical breakthroughs their company was developing were. He immersed himself in her school life, taught her all about how important image was, hired instructors for how to defend herself, and when she was older they even began having annual hunting trips where Zoey was taught how to track, to trap, and most importantly just get time to spend with her only parent. When it came time for her to start high school Zaden finally returned to being a surgeon, though he signed Zoey up for sambo martial arts as well and even hired a bodyguard – female, and not much older that she wouldn’t feel oppressed. Yet as his hours at work once more grew and Zoey grew more confident in her own prowess is when the ideas started, spurred by those old tales her father once told her. What better way to help people like her father and grandfather did than follow in the latter’s footsteps, or more accurately, those he worked with? Vigilantism, hidden behind a mask. It was a whimsical and surprisingly optimistic thought, and before long Zoey found herself sneaking out and beginning to foil purse snatchers and muggings in the underbelly of their city – what little there was. Her bodyguard, Jasper, initially attempted to dissuade her but as Zoey couldn’t be convinced otherwise – and really, what better way to practice her self defense? - Jasper was joining her charge. What few criminals there were in Blackrock were wiped out quickly – Zoey lived in a good neighborhood in a good city. She found herself getting more and more into it despite a lack of activity, soon looking through back logs of crimes by sneaking into the local sleepy precinct and going through cold cases. After all, she was clever and even if caught the Kasimir’s had a lot of influence. It was going through these that she came across the box – Kasimir, A.. Her mother. Figuring at first that someone filed it wrong it still sent an ache through Zoey, and it was morbid curiosity that had her slowly taking the box and opening it. Turns out it was a misfile due to some new crimes committed by the person who had bumped into her mother, but it was the picture at the top of these loose files that stuck out to her. She knew the man in the mugshot, someone she herself had helped put behind bars less than a year earlier. Jordan Ether, a career criminal, drug addict, all around the lowest her city had to offer. He was only sixteen when the event happened, same age as she was when she started fighting crime. And something lit inside of Zoey. It took three days to track down Ether, released on parrol. She eventually found him, hiding like a cockroach and high off his mind. Although initially reluctant to talk to this hoodied, masked person his mind was quickly changed when the emaciated drug addict was half thrown over a bridge’s railing, only held on by the vigilante’s grip on his pants. This was certainly no police interrogation. Of course, Zoey was only seeking him out to find out justice – was he high when he crashed into her mother? Was it really an accident? She wasn’t expecting him to say he was paid to do it. A doctor had approached Ether, already deep into drugs, and offered him an entire month’s supply in exchange for knocking some woman into traffic. Simple, efficient – Ether was reassured the doctor would handle any fallout. After all, his name meant everything in Blackrock. Denial set in quickly, and Zoey almost dropped Ether right then and there. Eventually with his pleading in her ears she dragged him up and left him there to get away from him, and in an almost muted fashion back home. Zoey stayed up all night pacing, stressed, rolling the information in her mind. When Zaden finally returned home from his late night shift he found her, but his soothing words asking what was wrong for once didn’t calm her, and it came pouring out of Zoey’s mouth. A slew of vile words, accusations, he [i]lied[/i] to her, but most of all one burning question. “Why?! What was the point?! What – did you want to bang another woman? She was your [i]wife[/i]! Was it money? She was going to divorce your crazy ass and take half of your precious fortune-” “She was going to take you away from me.” No denial. No softening. Just a simple fact that took the wind from Zoey’s sails and left her gaping at him. What do you even say to that? What [i]can[/i] you say to that? There wasn’t a happy ending to this tale. Zaden asked his daughter what he could do to fix this, to make her happy – and she told him nothing would make this okay. So Dr. Kasimir did the last thing he could, and gave his daughter justice. The next morning he had turned himself in, admitting to what and how he conspired in the murder of his wife. Unable to stay in her family home with all the bittersweet and corrupted memories Zoey soon threw herself headlong into the workings of the family companies, moving across the country to the base of Kasimir Realty and moving Blackrock Medical’s HQ with her to Gotham City. Jasper dutifully followed her charge, and friend. As the new head of the Kasimir family it was all so easy to do. For about a year afterward she kept her head down, didn’t roam the streets with all the crime, and a resentment that was never addressed was slowly festering inside her. More than the resentment to her father however Zoey grew to resent this damn, corrupted city with its rampant crime and she resented the rush she got the first time she stepped in to help someone again. It’s what Zoey always wanted, after all. Maybe it was those stories, maybe it was wanting to prove to herself she wasn’t like her father that had her going out onto the streets every night. It became an [i]obsession[/i]. She was already trained how to defend herself due to the enemies even today that her family might have, but Zoey was soon taking it further. No martial instruction was left out, and she brutally stamped out any memories of long trips hunting with her father when she picked up a weapon. Fevor and brutality only got a person so far however, and when everytime Zoey stepped out she was knee deep in the muck of crime it came time to get an edge. While before she was content to let Blackrock research and development do their own thing she began taking an interest in what they were developing, and how to turn their creations into a weapon. Part of her realized the irony, but most of her didn’t care. There were too many criminals walking free, and maybe Zoey couldn’t do much about it, but maybe, just maybe, Grim could. It was a smaller, more specialized and highly in the dark team that was developed to start creating Grim’s gear, along with Zoey learning herself how to start modifying the machinery and devices her company produced. The less people that knew, the better, after all. Grim worked from the shadows, seeking neither fame nor fortune, nights seeking out crime soon turning into years of a neverending tide of corruption. Jasper stayed by her side loyally for years, but even she soon moved on – in loyalty and her own aspirations, turning to what could help her charge the best. Entering the police force didn’t help at first, but as Jasper climbed the ranks soon Zoey had more information than ever in her hands. Grim, hidden as the persona was, began to gain traction, and not only in the underworld. At first Zoey wanted to disregard the tales of Grim that were spreading, content to let people think it merely an urban legend. It was the first time someone tried to emulate her as she emulated The Impossibles so many years before that Zoey sat up and took attention. Well, maybe it wasn’t the first time someone did it, but it was the first time she saw that one of them had died from it. Stupid, brave idiot. From there things only seemed to escalate. What was once ridding street-level crime and tussling with those such as the Five Families and the Blakes turned into more. Zoey was starting to become paranoid, and what was once nothing more than protecting those on the streets became protecting all of Gotham. This was [i]her[/i] city, and she’d be damned if anything would take it from her. [b]Optional information[/b] [u]Nemesis[/u]: Many. [u]Allies[/u]: Jaina Jasper, a Captain in Gotham’s police department. David O'Rinn, AKA Blackstar. [u]Team[/u]:[/hider] [hr] [center][b]Intermediate Tier Powerhouse[/b][/center] [hider=Demon][center]Alias: Demon [b]Civilian Name[/b]: Joshua Christophe [b]Origin City[/b]: Hub City [b]Hometown[/b]: Hub City [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Metahuman. [b]Height[/b]: 8’1 without the horns, 8’8 with them [b]Weight[/b]: 374lbs [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Birth Date[/b]: February 15, 2002[/center] [hr] [b]Appearance[/b]: Joshua, for all intents and purposes, looks like a demon. His skin is a dark navy color with a few bright red markings – a line over each eyebrows that then turns up to just slightly over his horns, just under his eyes, two stripes along his jaw, and a few along his shoulders, back, and thighs. His horns point up from his forehead with the slightest of curves, the same dark blue as his skin, with long pointed ears and eyes a pure glowing white with no pupils or iris. All of Demon’s teeth are pointed and slightly elongated, but his bottom canines are so long that they can’t fit in his mouth, having a slight curve to them so they can rest easily outside. His hair is black, and a little wild, having a thick layer of scruff along his jaw and his haircut is short but messy – he cuts it himself after all. His nails are black and sharp, not to mention hard as rock, and his feet are warped to being almost gargoyle-esque in nature – he stands on the balls of his feet and his toes have grown to basically be talons with a rather impressive grip. Lastly, Demon is very impressively built, with arms like tree trunks and thick muscle all over his body. [hider=Icon][img]https://puu.sh/xN8HL/0671107823.png[/img][/hider] [b] Civilian Personality[/b]: Josh tries really, really hard. In the end, it just makes him come out kind of awkward. For a teenage boy he’s really sincere naturally, trying to cover it up with a tough front and posturing. To be honest it doesn’t work out well, considering he’s also prone to crying a lot. Josh is also really more of a follower than any sort of leader, naturally following orders and trusting the judgment of others over his own due to a lack of self confidence. [center][b]Abilities[/b][/center] [u]Skills[/u]: Virtually none when it comes to fighting. [u]Powers[/u] Demon Form: Josh changed to Demon months ago, and if there’s a way to change back he hasn’t found it. Enhanced Strength: As Demon, Josh has an amazing amount of strength. Metal crushes easily under his hands, and he can shoulder his way through brick walls. He’s capable of lifting near a hundred tons at peak performance. Thick Skin: While not invulnerable Demon’s skin is slightly more durable than most, especially against elements such as cold or fire. He has slightly more stopping power when it comes to physical attacks as well, but isn’t nearly as invincible – a human’s teeth couldn’t pierce his skin but an animal could, and a bullet would lodge in him but more than likely never be able to exit in the same shot. Accelerated Healing: Demon can heal from an injury that would normally comatose or kill a normal person within a few weeks, smaller injuries healing much faster. A typical cut would be completely gone within a day, and infections or sickness typically burn themselves out before it even starts. Acid Fluids: Both his saliva and his blood are acidic, capable of burning through metal in minutes. Enhanced Reflexes: Demon’s reflexes are much higher than an average human’s, able to grab a rat with just a glance out of the corner of his eye. Nightvision: Even in pitch darkness Demon can see perfectly, as though it were broad daylight. His vision is slightly better than an average human’s as well. [u]Gadgets[/u]: None [u]Weapons[/u]: None [b]Civilian Occupation[/b]: [Former] High Schooler [hr] [center][b]Character History/Origin[/b][/center] Honestly, Josh was pretty much a normal guy before he transformed. His family was lower middle class, christian, had an alright house for Hub City, two kids and a dog. Josh was the younger of the two, in his junior year of high school and on the football team – sure, he wasn’t the [i]best[/i] on the team, but he was part of it! And, okay, so some of the other guys made fun of him for being a bit of a cry baby, but as one of the bigger guys on the team it was mostly light teasing. He was even pretty sure one of the girls in his homeroom class was into him! Then things started changing. At first it was actually kind of cool. It seemed like he was hitting a second growth spurt, he bulked up easier, he even [i]felt[/i] stronger! Sure, it came with some sickness, and for some reason his body was reacting in other weird ways like the strange bumps on his forehead but that was fine. The next football game he was practically the star player, no one able to stand up to him. It was exhilarating. It was amazing! That night his tooth brush melted in his mouth. Literally. Everything began falling apart. Josh tried to hide it as long as he could, to figure out what was wrong with him. Those little bumps on his forehead kept getting bigger, he outgrew all his classmates, outgrew [i]everyone[/i] in the school and could barely fit in his desk! He was getting sicker, his teeth were growing weird points, even his skin was taking on an odd, sickly hue. Though he didn’t know it, the return of magic – and more importantly, the influx of its presence around Hub City – was activating his own metagene in a slow, steady fashion. The more it seeped into his very body, the more he changed. It would’ve continued along that route too, if it hadn’t been for Iron Eagle. On December 1st when the terrorist attack had struck the fires in the Wedge had burned fierce and long, spreading to nearby homes and neighbourhoods. The Christophe home was one of those caught in the wild blazes. As sick as he was from his body’s constant change Josh was passed out when the fire started. With their parents out for the night his older sister, Hannah, attempted desperately to wake him, their dog wildly barking at her side. By the time Josh was finally roused from his sleep, disorientated and feeling like he was on fire, the room literally [i]was[/i] on fire. Flames licked at the ceiling, burning away at the wood as Josh staggered to his feet. His sister urged him to the hallway but he had taken too long to rouse. The ceiling collapsed on all three of them, and the floor gave out. Josh really couldn’t describe what happened then. Heat had filled his body, different from the flames, [i]powerful[/i]. The fire that once burned him no longer seemed more than a bother, the weight of the debris above them trifling at best. He had instinctively grabbed onto Hannah and his dog during the fall, protecting them from being harmed. It was almost pathetically easy then to stand up, the weight above him nearly shrugged off before he merely shouldered his way out of the nearest wall and to fresh air. He could see his parents pulling up as the fire seemed to illuminate everything as bright as day. His dog was barking in his arms, his sister shifting – everything would be fine. ... Then his mother started screaming. Josh had nearly dropped the two in his arms out of pure surprise at being startled by the noise. Yeah the house was on fire, but the scream was absolutely blood curdling, and she was pointing at them. At him? In the next moment he [i]did[/i] drop Hannah, as his dog’s teeth dug into his arms deeply, tearing the blue skin before the dog yelped and let go. Blue skin? Josh stared at his bleeding arm, red mixing along the deep navy blue, his nails long and black as onyx. When his mouth dropped open in shock he could feel something weird moving against his upper lip, and reaching up to feel there were teeth, jutting out from his bottom jaw longer than any normal human’s. There was so much yelling. Josh could only look down at his sister, unconscious at his feet, then up at his parents, scrambling to the car. He took a step towards them but before he could get another, a shot rang out. The windshield of his parents car was broken, pain bloomed in the side of his head, and heat ran down his face as he staggered. Another shot, this one ruffling the hair on his head. A primal fear bloomed in him, and with strength he didn’t think he’d have Josh took off. Screams followed him as he bolted through the neighborhood. People ran. When he stumbled into a car trying to brace himself as his head pounded the roof crushed under his grip. Then the sirens, police shouting and lights – another gunshot. Disorientated and panicked, Josh fled once more. Wanting to get away from the screams, the yelling, he ripped a manhole cover up. He was too big to climb in normally, but the pavement crumbled under his hands and shouldering the rest of the way in he managed to climb down and flee into Hub City’s expansive sewer system. And… that’s where he stayed. For more than half a year. Venturing back into the surface had people screaming, running from him. The hobos down in the sewers did the same. Even when he tried to talk to them, all Josh got was yelled at. “Demon!” “[i]Demon![/i]” “[i][b]Demon![/b][/i]” Eventually Demon just sort of … accepted that was who he was. Trying to talk did nothing. He could only survive by stealing from the hobos, eating rats, doing what he could. It was a miserable existence. Yet he couldn’t leave. He didn’t know what to do. He was strange, different. A wound that should’ve killed him, that destroyed his eye, was healed within a month – even his eye grew back. Glowing white. The bullet was probably still lodged somewhere in his head. Then Demon saw it, one day while looking for supplies in the local hobo camp down in the sewers. They ran from him, as always, and he took only what he needed. Yet one of the shitty little TVs was playing a news story, riots in New York. Lady Arcana – he had seen her on other news stories. And… someone else. A monster. Like him, but different. Helping. And they were being celebrated. Maybe, Demon could be too. [hr] [b]Optional information[/b] Nemesis: Allies: Team:[/hider]