We all stopped and looked ahead at whatever Daisy was pointing out. "I can't see-" Spencer started, then, "Oh." It took me a moment too. It blended in so well to it's surroundings, I probably wouldn't have seen it if it wasn't for Daisy spotting it. Covered in years of growth from the forest and looking as if it hadn't been touched in centuries, a building stood in the distance. "What do you reckon that is?" Em asked. "I dunno." Nina said, her head was down now, searching the maps. "It's not on the map though, any of them. This is where we are-" she jabbed at the papers "-there shouldn't be anything for miles." Joe was looking over her shoulder as she looked up, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Well, it's definitely there." Spencer said, clearly not knowing what else to make of it. "Shall we check it out?" I suggested slowly, not knowing whether Nina wanted to stick to the schedule and the lines of the maps she held.