The convoy from Hekaga was indeed filled with the materials Ternoc had spoken to Mazdak about. For once, there was no trickery involved with this deal, counter to the reputation Hekaga had so thoroughly earned over the centuries. Although it was escorted by some soldiers on horseback and on riding lizards, the guards were far too few and armed too lightly to give the impression that this was a military expedition in disguise. Indeed, not only were the wagons flying a symbol of diplomacy, they were totally uncovered so as to ward off the accusation that they were part of a Trojan Horse operation. They greeted the kobold escort formally, and proceeded to the city as fast as their heavy cargoes would allow them to. "Thank you Ardasa. Maybe we can actually built that... whatever it is." She bowed before Rughoi once more, doing her best not to get distracted by her plans later today and how much she wanted to do them while there was still enough time. "My lord, are we dismissed for now?" Kali asked, her voice filled with the eagerness of a child asking to go out and play. "Kutur and I... well, I have some plans for today." She didn't explain what those plans were about, but they certainly didn't sound like anything scholarly. While Kali was a smart female, she wasn't a "book wyrm" as Kutur was. Most kobolds had a ratio of reading to romance which was quite the opposite of his. Diametrically opposed, even. Getting him to kiss her, let alone be her mate would quite possibly be the hardest task of her life. His willingness to actually mate seemed to be zero, as if that part of his brain, so active among kobolds, was unusually dormant. Possibly even broken, who knew? Whatever urges he had in that regards seemed to be directed towards his books, and she wondered if he got a little [i]too[/i] much pleasure from reading them. It was not something she wanted to dwell on.