Vera stiffened, stunned for a split second at how quickly her dorm mate had bolted into his bathroom. She then let out a small laugh and shook her head, amused at how her words had seemed to supply him with a sudden burst of energy. Hearing the sound of running water start from behind the closed door, she realized that he would probably be ready soon, and before her too, considering the time that her own morning routine took. "No worries, love. Take your time," she called out to him, before making her way back to her room to fish the necessary items out of her own unorganized mess. Sure enough, she was still seated in front of the mirror, brushing her long golden locks when she heard a shout from Silas telling her he was all set to head out. "Just a second," she answered from inside. Vera then grabbed her bottle of Satsuma-scented mist and swiftly sprayed it on as a final touch before emerging from her room, slinging a sleek leather bag over her shoulder. She thought about Silas' question as she joined him back in the common room. Well, she had been wanting to see what was out in the city since the day before, plus, it would be a good opportunity to familiarize themselves with the surrounding area. "Hmm, how about we check out the city area near the academy?" She suggested. "We could probably find someplace for lunch out there. I'd love to try the tram system too, that'll be fun." Having been driven around in private vehicles for most of her life, Vera found the idea rather intriguing, though, that could be said about anything and everything she had seen from the time she had arrived at the academy. What was city life like for Elementalists? What difference would having elemental abilities make in such cases? "How about it?" Vera asked with an excited grin as they headed for the door. "It'll even be my treat, a little 'thank you' for helping me along last night." [@CriticalHit]