[hr][center][b]Interacting with:[/b] Shamir[sub][@Letter Bee][/sub], some random otter[sub][@Spirit][/sub][/center][hr]Alexander had to chuckle as Shamir hoped he didn't bother the librarians. The young boy looked around quickly to see if any of the otters around them were bothered. None seemed to be squeaking in an overly angry manner yet. So he assumed that Shamir didn't disturb the precious library rest too much. Though as he learned earlier, it seemed to be best not to test the otter's patience. Unlike Shamir, Alexander did not take a seat. He felt that he didn't have the time for it. He made a promise to his father. Not only that, he needed something before tomorrow. Or at least, the process of making it should be started before tomorrow. Either way, there was little time to lose. But that was no reason to be rude. [color=7ea7d8]"Healing and protection? Interesting schools."[/color] But in truth, Alexander found it a bit odd. They were certainly noble schools. But Shamir, as far as Alexander saw it, was not in the position to be noble. His birthright was usurped. No amount of healing will give it back. Alexander had known blood and battle for most of his life. Even when they were living in a castle, he could feel the tension. His father didn't keep much from them. The young boy knew that his kingdom would march to war. Probably with him at the front of it. [color=7ea7d8]"When I grew up, I didn't have access to a library. Not even to books."[/color] Alexander said, sharing a bit about himself. [color=7ea7d8]"Not that I had time for that. When you're not sure what you're going to eat that evening, reading sort of loses its importance."[/color] The talk took his mind back to his younger years. When his father was still a mercenary general. Back when he had to beg or steal a scrap of food to eat. Absent mindedly he brushed his fingers over the books. Letting the amazement sink in. [color=7ea7d8]"Even when my father rose up the throne, books were a secondary concern. At least, until I began playing with magic. Then reading became [i]very[/i] important. But still, I've never seen this many books in my life. But I intend to read as many of them as possible."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"There's no problem in being a chatterbox. At least not towards me."[/color] Alexander told Shamir with a comforting smile. [color=7ea7d8]"Well... I might officially be a fellow royal but trust me. I didn't grow into the role yet."[/color] Alexander deflected a little. The title of prince felt foreign. Obviously, he was only bearing it for a few months now. But then his mind turned towards his promise and his mission again. [color=7ea7d8]"Listen, I'm afraid I'll have to catch you later. There are things I still have to take care off. I'll speak to you soon!"[/color] Alexander was already half-way towards the corner when he took his leave from Shamir. As much as he wanted to talk with the foreign prince, there were things to do. First of all, he needed to be sure. He approached a random otter placing a few books into the shelves. [color=7ea7d8]"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could help me out."[/color] The little creature stopped with what it was doing and looked up at Alexander with half-expecting eyes. Or Alexander thought he saw that in the eyes. [color=7ea7d8]"So, I want to make my own spell focus out of my spellbook."[/color] He let his hand rest on the blank book he was taking with him. [color=7ea7d8]"And I was wondering if you could help me find a few books about the subject."[/color] To Alexander's delight, the little creature squeaked and nodded its head before it shot off towards a certain shelf. With Alexander in tow. They went around a corner, then another corner. Then up two stairs and down one again. He passed a few objects that weren't shelves. He even thought he saw a large globe. But he had little time to observe as the otter didn't look like she would be waiting for Alexander. Though eventually they reached a rather unmarked case. The otter squeaked a bit and pointed at the book case a few times. Then went on her way back, passing through Alexander's feet as it moved. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/31/7c/56/317c56b026e9404f6bda6437cad683db.jpg[/img] For a moment he was confused. But then he began reading the book titles. [i]Enchanting: From Dwarven Runes to Elven Gems[/i], [i]Gnome Glyphs for advanced Enchanters[/i] and [i]Advanced Iconogram Engraving[/i] were but a few titles Alexander noticed. But soon he realized that he was staring at a bookcase filled with enchantment books. It took him some time, but he found a few books he thought could be valuable. But he would need some guidance, as he never enchanted in his life before. So armed with [i]Court Wizard Eingar's Basic Runes[/i], [i]Rune Enchantments for Apprentices[/i] and [i]Wizard Tools: Foci[/i] (a book he was particularly happy to find) he tried to make his way back to the familiar parts of the library. It took him some time to find his way. Maybe a bit longer than he wanted to admit. But eventually he found his way back. With the three books under his arms he quickly marched towards the teachers' wing and began looking for a plaque saying 'Enchantment Teacher'. All the while he was wondering who he'd meet. A reclusive dwarf? Maybe an artificer gnome? Would it be another elf? Maybe a High Elf this time around? How would their class look? He guessed it would be filled with artificer equipment. Or did enchanters not make the equipment they would enchant. The thought hadn't crossed his mind yet.