[hider=Wall Meme][img]http://i.magaimg.net/img/1e2y.jpg[/img][/hider] The numbers are not entirely accurate, but the meme gets the point across. A one-time wall will cost you significantly less to build than funding that year's illegal immigrants and more than pay for itself over time. Unsurprisingly, the upkeep of said wall will also reach nowhere near the cost of funding people who did not lawfully enter the nation. The cost of the wall is projected to indeed be [url=https://apnews.com/c810d7de280a47e88848b0ac74690c83]ten billion dollars[/url], while the cost of the illegal immigrants yearly is a more indistinct [url=http://www.heritage.org/immigration/report/the-fiscal-cost-unlawful-immigrants-and-amnesty-the-us-taxpayer]fifty-four billion dollars[/url]. Still under the spell that "Mexico isn't going to pay for the wall." however? Let that be shattered then, as Mexico is not going to be paying for it how people imagine - in cash or by tax - likely, but instead in trade, such as [url=http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/04/27/trump-agrees-to-renegotiate-nafta-with-canada-mexico-leaders.html]this renegotiation of NAFTA[/url] in the works as well as the fact that [url=http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/12/28/mexico-to-defend-nafta-using-border-security-as-leverage-top-aides-say.html]Mexico was leveraging border security[/url] to keep the United States in it. This is also ignoring that there is a executive order in draft sitting in the White House that, if executed, immediately withdraws the United States from the NAFTA agreement. This is important to note because, without any added warning in response to Mexico not dealing or agreeing, the President of the United States can withdraw the nation; it is the literal and figurative trump card. Building a wall is not an act of racism, it has everything to do with security and the enforcement of the law of the land. Hungary built a wall, of which [url=http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/09/16/hungary-builds-a-wall-cuts-illegal-immigration-by-over-99-per-cent/]reduced illegal immigration by ninety-nine percent[/url] in response to the refugee crisis. It had nothing to do with the people themselves and everything to do with the establishment and ongoing authority of a sovereign state. Either you immigrate under the standards of the host nation or not at all.