[color=a36209][b][i]Adam 'Trails' Wilford- Adam's shack[/i][/b][/color] Adam smiled when Celeste realized he was asking her a direct question. "I...oh! Yes, definitely," she said as she'd reached for her glass, swirling the wine around inside. His cheeks flushed a deep almost burgundy when Celeste complimented him, "You're an excellent host, Adam, to be sure." Adam watched Celeste with appreciation, forgetting how wonderful romantic interaction's like these felt. She lifted the glass up to her nose and sniffed the wine before sipping it and spoke with a happy reaction to the taste. "You weren't kidding," she smiled again, "this tastes like nothing I've ever had before." She rose the glass and said "Cheers!" Adam in turn raised his, the glasses clinking softly, "Cheers!" Celeste had begun to tell Adam about her day, although Adam smiled, at times he was lost in watching her talking about herself and her day, her beauty enchanting him in the soft lantern light, each giggle a song all its own to his ears. "My day was just super, thank you. And thanks to you!" she giggled. "I'm really happy I met you." Celeste helped herself to her dinner, chewing into the steak before continuing the story. "Actually, I only got into town yesterday morning. It feels like months ago, though..." She took another sip of wine. "Archie -- my robot -- uh, I mean, the robot -- took out all the skeletons and broken furniture and whathot out, changed most of the beds, all that sort of thing. It's no wonder people seemed to love them before the war, they're just so helpful, you know? Must be why there are so many still around." "I have my first customer, too. Her name is Sara. She came in -- oh!! After the first gunfight! Jeepers," she carried on, having another bite of steak and vegetable, "there was some kind of fight out on the edge of town. Then later, just before I was getting ready to come and see you, there was another fight." Celeste shuddered, shaking her curls down to her bosom and hips. Adam couldn't help but try to subtly follow the curls to her chest, taking in a gentle gaze as she was in her story, clutching her glass, "It was really close, too. Almost like it was right outside the inn, itself." Celeste had paused. "Well. We don't need to talk about that, hmm? Nothing new in the wasteland, as they say." She reached out and placed her hand over his, her soft smooth hands like silk gloves over his coarse hands. She looked Adam in the eyes, and smiled. "Tell me, what brought you to town? A new treasure? Ooh! What all was in that chest you took from the inn? What do you like so much about old world treasures? I mean, I've seen my share of this and that, but I am always so fascinated by what other people see in them. They don't have hardly any trade value, but so many folks collect them!". Adam paused in thought and said seriously, "The hope of striking love with cute innkeepers." He couldn't keep a straight face for long and gave a short laugh, "No. Uhh, truth is, I came here for a new beginning. Considering a date's about exposing ourselves to a prospective other, wouldn't feel right to lie or hold back. I came here as a trader, but long before that in my twenties, I was an outlaw. A bandit. But after that life came to an end, I became a trader around twenty-eight because I felt guilty for all those times I'd stolen from others, so I remade myself as an honest trader. Fastforward twenty years and here I am. I came here looking to trade, but this place is homey. I took to settling here, but I've always been a drifter, so a proper house didn't really suit me, you know?" Adam sighed, thinking about his place in town and Celeste's questions. Adam had gotten up, picking up the picture on the small shrine of Pre-War American things and brought it over. "See that woman? According to the writing on the back of it her name was Gladys. She fought for this country, back when it was still whole." He gently took it up and placed it back on the small memorial of Old World things. "It doesn't matter in the long run on the grand scheme of things, but the point I'm getting at it is everything we find has a story. Stories of heroes like hers should be preserved, so we can remember the good of those who came before us. Too many people think like nihilists in this war ravaged world, but I think people like her are reminders we can be good people and make the world better.". Adam laughed, "That's probably a little more philosophical an answer than you were expecting. But come on, we don't need such heavy thoughts tonight. I have a better idea." Adam stood up, straightening the sweatervest he was wearing, trying to emulate pre-war fashion, and changed the song playing, waiting for the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GzEGMJnOfw]soft[/url] music to play before he turned back to Celeste. As Peggy Lee began to sing softly in the background Adam smiled, aware of how clumsy he looked trying to imitate those Old World graces as he half bowed with an extended hand to Celeste, "May I have your hand for this dance, Miss?". Adam took Celeste by the hand and escorted her to the middle of the room and they slowly began to dance under the light. Adam cleared his throat, his heart racing as the scent of Celeste so close filled his nostrils. "Celeste, I...I've been looking forward to this since you first hit on me, but I was scared to move. You're the first woman to spark desire in my heart for the longest time." Adam leaned his head into her fragrant curls, shyly and giving a long, gentle kiss to the top of her forehead.