[hider=It's that guy] [b]Name:[/b] Ryan Goldman [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Origin:[/b] USA, San Francisco [b]Appearance:[/b] 5' 7" tall with short, dark hair that seems to be slightly longer and more messy than regs strictly permit at the best of times. Permanent 5'o'clock shadow. Tanned complexion with a little acne scarring on his otherwise rugged and square-jawed face. Has a fairly robust build; thick-limbed and wide-shouldered but not fat; just one of those people with a large frame. He's not ugly, he's just not necessarily conventionally handsome and certainly not 'beautiful' to most. His eyes are a dark green, and have the gleam of his intelligence and smarts to them, and are very expressive. He has a warm, confident and strong voice with a distinct Californian accent. [b]Callsign/Codename:[/b] Lawnmower [b]Kills:[/b] 5 confirmed enemy kills; two unconfirmed/partial kills; only two of his kills are with missiles against jets, the others are with cannon against rotary-winged aircraft; and one notable one with a laser-guided bomb against a helicopter ([url=http://www.businessinsider.com/f-15e-scored-dropped-a-bomb-on-an-iraqi-helicopter-2016-5?IR=T]based on a real incident![/url]) [b]Veritech Specs:[/b] Standard VT Loadout; Ryan will always opt for bombs if attacking ground or fixed targets, however, and usually uses the dual strike configuration in space combat. His veritech has a 'shark mouth' painted on the nose, and 'feed me' written on the gunpod, but otherwise has a standard paint-scheme [b]Psychological Analysis:[/b] Ryan is a fairly upbeat and positive man. He enjoys the company and camaraderie of military life, and makes friends easily, due to his easy-going nature, politeness and enthusiasm. He also generally likes people, and has a somewhat kindly and empathic outlook, believing that helping those who cannot help themselves and protecting others is a worthy cause. Some would say that this makes him naive in his approach to military life, and he might agree on some days. More often, he sees his duty as the necessity that sometimes you just have to do things you don't like so that others can have a better life. Ryan is somewhat thoughtful, and has a fair level of intelligence and aptitude. While he is no genius, he is good at reading situations, and often acts as a voice to cut through speculation, complication, and to bring discussion back to the 'here and now' and deal with the immediate situation. Occasionally this means he misses the bigger picture, but often, acting as the voice of reason helps. He has a good sense of humour and a pleasant demeanour overall, and little patience for those who are cruel to others. He will often be something of a background player in a group, but enjoys being involved and part of any situations, and has a reputation for being doggedly determined, dependable and reliable, both in and out of the cockpit. This somewhat matches his flying style; it isn't fancy or overly elaborate, but is adaptable, driven and determined, and he will always find a way to get through to the target, often breaking the complexities of a mission down into individual goals to push through to gain a successful result, while supporting his allies and wingmates. He is still somewhat phased and uncertain against aerial targets, and his lack of skill in that arena sometimes gives him pause, or causes him to lack behind his comrades, but his skill and aptitude in facing down ground targets and in interdiction or close-air-support operations is exemplary, given his experience comes from flying ground-attack jets. He is often somewhat defensive of his kill record in this regard as well, as while he hasn't shot down many enemy planes, he often states that if he was able to paint his ground kill record on his jet, it'd be a different story. All the same, he embraces the learning experience, and strives to do well to support his wingmates, and to do all that's asked of him when needed. He ended up with his callsign from operations during the civil war and afterwards, due to his frequent use of low-altitude flying combined with generous use of his A-10's cannon, his fellow pilots' comments being that if he'd been any lower he'd have been mowing the lawn with it. The name - unfortunately for him - stuck. [b]Military Record:[/b] - Born in San Francisco USA - Joined the USAF out of college - Flew A-10's during the closing days of the Global Civil War - Interdiction and air-policing missions against the Anti-Unification League after this - Cross-trained to VF-1 late 2007 - Graduated conversion training 2008 and assigned to combat tactics & evaluation squadron - Only assigned to Fox Squadron within last few weeks/days [/hider]