[color=00aeef]FRIEDA RICHTER[/color] - clinic -- night fall/it's dark/whatever "Thank you Frieda," Arthur said with a sigh of relief as he handed her back her effects, "You'll have to excuse me, I have a strict decontamination regiment to implement now, thanks to our friend Steve. I, uh, suppose I'll see you tomorrow?" "Mm," she nodded, her mouth full of coffee. She swallowed, then spoke. "I'll be here." "Thanks...thanks again for the drink. I enjoyed our talk. Listen...I know I'm a doctor and not a therapist..but, well, if you'd like to talk more your brother and your...people. Then my door is always open. I think I understand what you're going through better than most...believe me. Have a good night Frieda." Frieda took another sip of the coffee. "That's...well, thanks. I...will think about that." She didn't want to sound ungrateful but she certainly hadn't expected that kind of response for how much she'd gushed about Brian, and home. She wasn't sure it was healthy. [i]I suppose I'm going to be up for many hours, yet. I can think about it, then.[/i] "Goodnight, doc," she waved, "good luck with your decontamination whatnot." Frieda took a final pull off her cigarette and tossed it to the ground, being particularly careful to send it away from the clinic. While distracted, she nearly walked right into a man she hadn't seen before as he passed the clinic from the other direction. "Nice night tonight," he said by way of greeting. He held out his hand. "I'm Waylon." Frieda's first instinct was to salute, but in the awkward second where she caught herself from doing it, her hand jerked and twitched some coffee out of the cup. "Oh shit," she hissed, passing the cup into her left hand and wiping her right on the back of her pants. "Sorry, I was...lost in thought," she muttered, finally extending her hand properly and shook. "I'm Frieda. Nice to meet you. -- wait, your name sounds familiar. Do you have a weapons shop? I think that's what Brandy said. I'm Brandy's...roommate, I guess you could call it. She isn't exactly charging me rent." "I hope I didn't spill any coffee on you. I'm actually just heading back to the house right now for some extra clothes. I'm pulling a watch at the head of the main road, there were a couple raider attacks during the day, and some wounded Gunners heading north, so I'm going to...uh, watch for them." She found herself babbling as she started to feel nervous about posting herself as watch. What if those Gunners weren't as dilapidated as she hoped and they manage to rip her to pieces? Frieda shuddered. "To think that Ace just told me he wants street lights. Why don't we just build a tower with flashing lights that says 'ROB US NOW'? God, that guy..." Frieda cleared her throat. "Sorry, I didn't mean to just, uh, start talking like that. You were heading somewhere, I didn't mean to keep you."