[center][u][b]11:13 AM, March 12th Hub City Elementary[/b][/u] "She [i]definitely[/i] did it," Bret Morris stated confidently, a chunk of his roast beef sandwich dancing about in his mouth for all to see. "She [i]wasted[/i] that wrinkly old potato!" Averting her eyes in disgust at his lack of basic table manners, Karen sighed. "Don't be stupid, Lady Arcana doesn't even kill criminals. Why would she kill the police commissioner?" "Why not? He was always talking shit about her. [i]I[/i] would've roasted his ass too!" Bret cackled, bits of sandwich speckling the table. Clarissa gently shook her head, resting her cheek against her knuckles. She'd already wolfed down her modest lunch, and was apparently just there to enjoy the conversation, as it were. "Well, we're lucky you [i]aren't[/i] a superhero, then. You can't just go murdering the cops, even if they're really shitty cops." "Man, I would just fuck up [i]anyone[/i] who gave me shit," Bret boasted. "I'd make them give me [i]every[/i] game that came out for free! No, actually, I'd have them [i]make[/i] games just for me, exactly like I wanted them! And if they didn't, POW!" Rolling her eyes when he smacked his fist into his open palm, Karen quietly stirred her fork around in her mashed potatoes. She hadn't eaten much of her lunch today, what with the news reports of the police commissioner's death. It was difficult to have much of an appetite when you were being accused of [i]murdering[/i] someone, after all. While it's true that he constantly badmouthed her to reporters, calling her a "rogue" and a "vigilante", among other less flattering names, he had honestly not been [i]that[/i] big of a hindrance. It's not like the police were eager to pick a fight with her, or anything. It honestly kind of hurt, that people could take such accusations seriously. She'd been working [i]so[/i] hard to gain everyone's trust, and they just- "Hey, Karen," Clarissa reached out to touch her arm. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, what's wrong with you, Hernandez? You've been acting sulky all day," Bret added. Pulled from her thoughts by the pair, Karen shook her head. "Ah, yeah, sorry. I'm just spacing out; I didn't sleep too well last night." She could see that Clarissa was worried about her. She knew what was up, unlike Bret. Karen [i]might[/i] have called her to meet up last night so she could squall like a baby over the news. Clare was a saint for putting up with her. "Really, I'll be okay, Clare." At least, she [i]would[/i] be once she sorted this horrible mess out. [hr] [b]12:48 AM East Haven Residential[/b] It had been eating her up all day, but now she was finally here. The scene of the crime. [i]Her[/i] crime, to hear many tell it. Police cars were still out front, and tape cordoned off the house from the rest of the rather pleasant neighborhood. It would've been difficult to sneak in during the day, even for her, so she had to wait until well after dark to sneak in. Naturally, the place was locked up tight, including the windows. Still, the backyard was left rather vulnerable...a pretty glaring oversight by the HCPD. Gently touch down on the grass, Lady Arcana quietly approached the nearest window. Extending a finger, she allowed a trail of electricity spark from it. The small current quickly ran beneath the window, and soon enough the lock on the other side was undone. Even after four months, this was about as much "magic" as she could manage. Samantha thought she should keep on focusing on mastering her physical abilities for the time being. In any case, the window easily slid open following this, and she now stood inside the home of the man she had allegedly killed. According to the news articles she'd read, they had found him and his wife burned to a crisp in their bedroom - burned by a powerful electrical current, the autopsy had said. While the bodies had obviously been removed, maybe there was something else here she could find. Some [i]clue.[/i] [/center]