Rolo chuckled to himself before replying to Corinnes earnest request. That was another thing he loved about Corinne, how genuinely sweet and easily impressed she was. Story time with her was starting to become one of his favourite pass-times. Right after eating hot-dogs and pancakes. With the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders for just a brief while, he regaled Corinne with the humble origins of the baddest gang in town. It was a story he had never told before. Sure, the events were common knowledge to anyone who had attended Salt Bay High in the past. But never once had Rolo, nor any of the crew for that matter, ever gave an inside account of what transpired during such a turbulent time in the schools history. Corinne had no idea how much of an honour was being bestowed upon her at the time. Only someone who had joined the gang as a fellow brother would be made privy to what Rolo was about to tell her. As far as Rolo was concerned though, Corinne was a Salt Bay Turbo. He dared not say it though. Not until everything was made official first. [color=orange]"Do you know the kids that were picked on all the time? The ones that the rich snobs preyed on that nobody gave a damn about? They got together to form the first youth gang in Sea Salt Bay. They were truly the baddest of the bad. True rebels in every sense of the word. Us Salt Bay Turbos ain't nothin compared to those guys. And those guys were...."[/color] Rolo paused dramatically before continuing. [color=orange]"The Rebel Sharks!"[/color] Rolo announced with as much gravitas as he could muster. [color=orange]"I don't think you would've heard of em baby girl. Ain't nobody talks about em anymore. The rich snobs or "The Royals", as they like to call themselves, they would love it if everyone forgot about em. But us Salt Bay Turbos, we keep their memory alive! At least, we used to."[/color] said Rolo with reverence.