[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/344550107234041856/354346133017067520/itship.png[/img][h3][i][color=yellow]Apia, Queen of Bees[/color][/i][/h3][@Lmpkio][@Silvan Haven][@KoL][/center] In the catacombs, nothing was heard but the faint sound of buzzing in the ears of Saef's men, and it was a proper sound given the circumstances. Apia stood around the corner, her bees ready to swoop in at a moments notice to cause some mayhem. She waited until she could clearly hear the enemy's footsteps before lowering her hand, signalling for her sweeties to move in. At first, only a few moved, followed by a few more, and eventually, the whole swarm. Normal bees, wasps, frozen bees, everything was assaulting the men in the tunnels, relentlessly filling them with small holes. The swarm moved around frantically, making any effort to attack them futile at best. They were smaller targets, and trying to successfully kill them was futile unless they wanted to use grenades. Even then, the tunnels might cave in on them and leave them under rubble. Apia flew around the corner, smirking at her job. [color=yellow][i]"Man, do I love my sweeties."[/i][/color]