The fox came and took the annoying woman away. The relief Elsa felt was tinged with worry. Why were they being separated into groups? What was the purpose? Was this an auction type of thing? Were they being sold as individuals or as groups? Analyzing the happenings and potential reasons behind them kept Elsa sane. Her face was passive, but if one looked in her eyes they would see how quickly her mind was going. There was a sudden and ominous burst of wind. A new being appeared, such as Elsa had never seen or imagined before. One could feel the power from the being, he invoked a deep sense of fear and Elsa found herself feeling relieved that his eyes were not on her. Those storm grey eyes were hauntingly beautiful. They both scared her and compelled her to keep looking at them. For the first time since she was a child Elsa instinctively curled inward, figuratively shrinking away from the being in fear. Normally only her foster father could illicit such a response but this was on a whole different level. He made her foster father seem like a slug in comparison to a wild beast. If that hadn't been enough to make her fearful yet another being appeared. This one wasn't as terrifying but if Elsa's personality had been any weaker she would have been cowering on the ground at this point. Where the fox had seemed irritating and the being they all called the King had terrified her, this wolf-being was both fear-inspiring and fascinating. Even in her fear Elsa's mind studied him, watchin my how his body changed from animal to more human-like. She said human-like because there was no way anyone would mistake him as human. Really none of the beings here could be mistaken for human. They all had various degrees of feral and supernatural power to them. They were not of the human world to be sure. Music drifted through Elsa's mind, the kind of deep primal music that resonates in your chest. That reaches a part of the human psyche that after years of progress has become dormant. Finally her nerves began to get to her. The first crack appeared in her armor she created for herself as she bit her bottom lip. While a few of her fellow captives used quick words, biting remarks or attempts to escape, Elsa remained quiet, standing her ground but feeling a slowly rising terror at what might happen to them. Were they to be servants? Sex slaves? Meals? At this point she wasn't certain which option was worse. But her childhood had taught her how to be a survivor. She would do whatever she had to survive. Did this make her smart? Or a coward? Her long tapered fingers trembled slightly. She alternated between wishing they would just do whatever they intended to do, and hoping to be forgotten about.