[quote=@POOHEAD189] Well if about 90% of the population disagrees, and your main experience is then it's probably not gospel.[/quote] But 90 percent of the population doesn't disagree? Even people that like the game have pointed out is numerous flaws and its most vocal critics aren't exaggerating. Skyrim is an INCREDIBLY flawed game from a gameplay and design standpoint, but then it's by the studio that shipped an actually broken level up system in Oblivion and pisses all over lore with Fallout so what did we expect. [quote]Look, I've played Skyrim multiple times over long ass hours and points on your post was an exaggeration to say the least, and you used your exaggerated points to prove an overarching exaggerated point.[/quote] Or maybe your long ass hours have blinded you? It can't be good for the eyes. [quote] This[/quote] Okay let me count. The Companions: 6 College: 8 Thieves Guild: 12 Dark Brotherhood: 12 It is not at all an exaggeration to say that you don't have to do much at all to complete these guild quests. The entire guild system works on you having an endless supply of radiant quests which are one off things. In the Companions you go kill something somewhere and come back and it's like five minutes with quick travel, maybe ten if you don't have anything close enough unlocked. You can join the College of Winterhold at level one and be the archmagister by level 3. You just do five things and then have a bunch of one off collection missions to fill the gap. [quote] This, because it depends on your play style.[/quote] Your playstyle doesn't make the insane number of spelunking quests to kill bandits or find yet another 'puzzle' where it's owl or bird or snake plates and a radial door any different. Your playstyle is how you kill the things between you and yet another spinning door puzzle. The reason the whole stealth archer meme exists is because that was literally the fastest way to get through that stuff. [quote] And this for instance.[/quote] Which is accurate? The large majority of side quests and damn near every radiant quest consists of talking to person A, going to location X, and getting thing Y. What those are change or sometimes you'll have to talk to person B after person A. But it still doesn't make for a particularly engaging gameplay loop when your objectives are five ways of doing the same thing. Blood on the Ice and some of the Daedric quests are remembered fondly precisely because they break the monotony of the fetch quest nature of the side quests. [quote]I wasn't trying to call your post shit in general. I was saying that calling it a bad game because you found a lot of it dull yourself when a lot of people didn't, and you provide little in the amount of reasoning that wasn't somewhat exaggerated, had to say it sounded like someone who posts vids on youtube so they can shit on a game. [/quote] I think Skyrim is a bad game because it's the melting pot of Bethesda RPG design distilled down into the basics of the basics that was only topped in outright simplicity and poor choices by Fallout 4's entire existence. I don't think Skyrim is bad just because I find it dull or the gameplay/combat actually outright terrible. I could go into what makes Skyrim a bad game and why Bethesda are snake oil salesmen but how much time do you have and do you really care. Someone being critical of a game doesn't mean they are just doing it to shit on it. And someone not liking something you like doesn't invalidate your opinions. It's okay to be critical of the things you love. I criticize my favorite games with the same intensity I criticize things like Skyrim. I wouldn't be so critical of the studio if I didn't know they could and SHOULD be doing better than they are. Bethesda has not made a truly great game and The Elder Scrolls series is just more disappointing than anything else. I wanted to like Skyrim. I probably did at some point in 2011. I probably did to the point where I bought all the DLC. I wanted to like it so much that it's still installed on my computer and every so often I consider re-installing mods and maybe giving it another shake. And inevitably the same conclusion is reached: "Yeah but will I have fun?" And the answer is no. Well the answer is more "Probably for about an hour as I see how I can actually break this thing with all these mods" and then I have a depressed sigh because no amount of awesome lighting and overhaul mods can fix the core experience.