The first thing Syviis registered was a faint buzzing, but his consciousness was unusually slow to return to him. As he became more aware he thought he heard someone…Was that someone trying to wake him up? There was some more speech but suddenly the former calm tones were replaced by some rather aggressive questions. Syv finally awoke with a deep but quiet breath and assessed the situation. There was what he assumed to be a Halion facing the person who had tried to wake them up. Since Syv had no idea what the former wanted, he decided not to interfere for now. He saw a human female make a similar judgement as she unobtrusively left to operate the escape pod’s console. Syv hoped she would find helpful information and share it. He didn’t know about the others but the last thing he remember was travelling to Faren V. He wasn’t even sure if he had arrived on that planet or not. Either way, he was now in an escape pod with some other beings. What a curious situation. Finally, he undid his safety restraints and checked himself over. He was in his EVA suit, but its his helmet was next to him. His hunter rifle was in its usual sling, though he had to adjust it a bit to place it from next to his shoulder to its customary position on his back. His multi-tool was on his hip. As he saw the last item, Syv realized that his hoverbike was most likely not here. He felt a pang of sadness at this fact, but the current unknown situation took priority. Seeing as they would have to land eventually – hurtling through space in an escape pod was not a long-term solution – he put the helmet of his EVA on and quietly made his way to the remaining two unconscious beings to attempt to wake them up.