[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eK7TcyK.png[/img][hr][h3]Grimm Studies[/h3][hr][/center] [@Ryonara][@FlitterFaux][@Write][@Krayzikk][@NarayanK] Yue reached out and touched Ashe's shoulder, and Ashe almost immediately felt a surge of strength flood her body. She almost felt like normal again, and the pain in her right hand had completely disappeared. The glove was still melted onto her hand, but the burns were gone - peeling it off wouldn't be too far off from pulling off a bandaid now. [color=708090]"Yeah, I think I'm fine now. Thanks, Yue. That's a hell of a Semblance."[/color] Further conversation was cut off. The room was briefly lit in orange as a flaming arrow arced overhead from the rear, embedding itself deeply in a root. The root burst into flame and crumbled into ash - obviously fire was the right option, and obviously Ashe had [i]seriously[/i] overdone it. A quick glance at the root Ashe had melted showed that it was lying in the swampy pool deflated, smoking, half liquified, and charred almost all the way up to the stem. It wasn't nearly as durable as Ashe had expected: it was just really, really [i]big[/i]. Quantity over quality seemed to be the Dionaea's theme, and she adjusted her remaining glove further down to an 8. More tentacles flew towards her, and she was preparing another fistful of pain for it, when Skye suddenly yanked her out of harm's way. Ashe's eye twitched in annoyance, but there was no way she could've stopped all four of them at once with one shot, and some of the roots wrapped around her savior instead. Ashe was readying her fist again when Skye shattered one root and Bianca clove the other in twain, so Ashe shifted to searching for more targets. [color=708090]"Already on it, boss. Orange glowy thing, huh? Guess that's how this damn thing sees us, too,"[/color] she replied to Ben and Bianca respectively. [color=708090]"We could get out of the water and let loose with Lightning Dust..."[/color] As she said it, she realized that with as much trouble as she'd had moving across the room with only three roots after her, the whole group wouldn't be able to go very far itself. But the idea itself was sound. A good shock to the main stem would seek out a ground and run through the Dionaea's entire body downwards, probably charring and vaporizing the flesh like a Vacuoan saguaro struck by lightning, and the orange glowing thing was in the middle of that path. The other, more realistic option would be to cleave as many roots as possible and rush it before it had time to recover. [color=708090][i]Port just [/i]had[i] to bring in a creature that'd be easiest to kill solo, didn't he. Asshole.[/i][/color] Ashe found her target after a few more seconds: a swarm of roots was slinging itself straight at Ben. While she was sure he could handle it, she was getting awfully tired of dealing with this shit. With a twitch of her middle and ring fingers, she threw a palm thrust towards the roots around Ben and his shield. 50/50 White and Blue Dust would just throw a chunk of ice at the roots - not terribly useful. So Ashe made a wager on Dust usage - 70 White/30 Blue felt [i]right[/i]. And it paid off - rather than throwing a block of ice at the roots, an intense, near-invisible spray of frigid air erupted from her left glove, leaving a sparkling shine on one side of the roots in front of the group. She had no idea if it would be effective, but it seemed to slow them down, and she could hear a distinct crunching sound as each root tried to twist and move towards the group further. The roots' hides sounded like they were cracking. One of the smaller roots headed towards Skye also caught her attention. It was close -- [i]very[/i] close. Her left hand was still hanging in the air in front of her, too far extended for a good strike, so she did what any good goat would do and lunged sideways at it. [b]NOM.[/b] It tasted like anger, regret, leaves, and ash. Almost like the time she bit into a cigar instead of a pirouette cookie. In other words, it tasted fine by her incredibly low standards, and she clamped her jaws shut with enough strength to rip apart a wooden farm fence.