[center][h1]=][= [u]SINS OF THE FATHER[/u]=][= [sub][i]A Dark Heresy-Inspired 40k RP[/i][/sub][/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G5ALtxIAI0[/youtube] [b]======================================================================================================[/b] [indent][indent][indent][i]Inquisitor Karthis Talvyrn was a pious man if not a bit loose in his interpretation of the dogma pushed by the Holy Inquisition. Rather radical in his ways, the Inquisitor was well respected by his peers and always kind his followers as far as Inquisitors go. However, framed for something truly heretical he was to appear before an Inquisitorial Conclave to defend his innocence and dedication to the God-Emperor. But that day never came. At 0800 hours on the world of Hadriun Prime within the Hadriun System in the Segmentum Pacificus, the body of Inquisitor Karthis was found and in his room, incriminating evidence of heretical dealings were found implicating not only him but his entire retinue of heresy. Now hunted by the very organization they once served, the retinue of the Inquisitor swore and oath to clear not only their own names, but also that as Karthis so that his soul may rest untarnished. Or they may be able to live just a bit longer. Either way, they now face down a conspiracy greater than themselves where every shadow hunts them but entering the light can only mean death.[/i] [/indent][/indent][/indent] [b]======================================================================================================[/b] [indent][indent][indent]Welcome all. This is an idea I got after coming across some Dark Heresy rule books and also attempting to make an Imperial Guard homebrew regiment. This RP will focus around trying to solve the mystery surrounding Inquisitor Karthis's death and his retinue's quest to prove his innocence. It will take place in the Hadriun System will fluff being filled in/provided as needed. As for your characters themselves, Karthis is radical inquisitor (in)famous for his tolerance of xenos and using them to combat heretics and daemons citing that of all the threats to humanity, xenos were the only ones who could be reasoned if not controlled. While this means you'll be able to play more than just various shades of humans, there will still be limitations and there will still be repercussions for your presence (having a random ork or eldar or tau walking around on a human world is going to raise suspicion to say the least). The twist of the RP is that none of the characters have any Inquisitorial powers and the Inquisition itself is now hunting the former retinue of Karthis believing them to have also fallen to heresy and thus needing to be purged. Or just because they aren't blindly zealous humans. Before denoting your interest however, I am going to give you some fair warnings. If you or your character some how seriously screws with lore or the overall story, they will be met with Ork Snipers. I do not care if it tramples on your "creative freedoms", if I determine its a possible detriment then I will confront you about it. Preferably however I will not have to do that. In addition, I will admit a degree of nepotism; people who I know and trust are likely to be able to get away with more things than someone I do not know. Now, how far does your loyalty reach and what will you uncover next as you are chased and followed every step of the way. For the sins of the father, are the sins of the son. [b]======================================================================================================[/b] [h2]+++ THOUGHT OF THE DAY +++ [sub][sup]Man is not punished for his sins, he is punished by them.[/sup][/sub][/h2] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/center]