Glas threw Hansa up, a quick shot from his boots and he went even higher. He threw Pendulum out wide so it would wrap around the Nevermore’s neck. He pulled tight to land in the center of it’s back. He yanked hard on the wire causing the Nevermore to change course for the ruins. He placed his hand on it’s back and began to methodically decrease it’s size, just enough that the weight of the two of them would cause it to drop to the height of the pillars and so it would fit in between. An added bonus the wound caused by Glas’ spear would end up being larger when it reverted back. “Get ready to jump!” Hansa yelled down to Glas as they got closer. He quickly retracted Pendulum and just held onto feathers for the remaining distance. He pushed off the Nevermore and fired Luck Herald to launch it into it’s cage and it reverted back to it’s original size making it a very tight fit inside the pillars. “Hit him with everything you got!” Hansa pulled his hood up as he backed away a bit more, pulling out his extra throwing knives and throwing a few ice dust blades at the caged Nevermore.