[@Crosswire] [quote] I've always wanted to try and get into Tekken because of the neat characters, but I'm skittish about fighting games. Competitive stuff always ends up making me feel bad when I lose. [/quote] Feels too real. You put "Ranked" in front of any game mode and even the most chill game suddenly gives me jitters. [quote] Honestly I'm willing to be flexible with that kind of thing. I prefer it if games added to the roleplay add at least [i]something[/i], but if someone wants to play a character from a certain series that doesn't break everything then I'm willing to roll with it. Tekken is all about the characters really, so adding it wouldn't add anything but it also wouldn't hurt anything. At least to my knowledge. Maybe I'm missing some super OP element to it. [/quote] See, when I started out, I thought the characters weren't that OP, seeing as like 80-90% of the cast is human. But then you have Heihachi, who over the course of the series, has: [list] [*] survived being thrown off a cliff [*] survived an explosion in his dojo [*] caught a bullet with his teeth [*] caught live missiles and threw them back [i]with his bare hands[/i] [/list] And that's not accounting for characters that have the Devil Gene. And all the characters can, in theory, stand at a similar level to him. Granted, that's not too far outside the range of the power levels of some of the characters present, but it's still crazy. They might fare differently in a survival scenario, but overall they may or may not need nerfs :P TL;DR Tekken is ridiculous.