[center] [h2][color=gold]Raposo~Yin[/color][/h2] [/center] [hr] Yin heard the comment. Oh did he hear that comment from the waif. His mouth twitched with anticipation of how he would enjoy infiltrating her mind when she slept. For while he was fine with comments toward him, comments toward his lord were just...not acceptable. His attention soon pulled by a certain woman calling him....sir....fox....guy?? He spun on his heel and made his way to that human. He appeared very much fae at the moment, but those amber eyes were flashing with something very feral...and very much sinister. [color=gold]"Human....what did you [i]just[/i] call me"[/color] He moved and picked her up before moving her into the group that held yusuke annoyance etched over his features as he then proceeded to drop her on the ground. Before yin could further comment, there was a certain sound that froze him in place. Yin had his face mostly away from most individuals, but yusuke could see it perfectly. As the hell hound appeared there was a stiffening of features. A very faint barely noticeable eye twitch that broke the features of the poker face. He took a second before he spun clasping his hands together with a form of elegance. Yin tilted his head at the hound. [color=gold]"You have missed the lovely task of herding the humans."[/color] Yin gave a quirk of the brow as the hound caused the humans to have such a reaction. He huffed. He was [i]far[/i] more impressive then some hound, but no he got barely a reaction from the creatures. His attention then went directly to the rulers. Yin's mouth twitched as falk spoke back to the waif. A look of glee crossed his features at the chance to have that waif close. Close enough to ensure they became a good little waif. The tiff between the two rulers registered to him and he found himself wondering what would happen with all his hard sorting. [hr] [center] [h2][color=pink]Yusuke[/color][/h2] [/center] Yusuke was remaining silent. His attention going through his entire environment when there was barking. He found himself captivated by the sound and soon his mouth was open from what entered. It was a creature that held a presence. With quick movements his backpack was off and he was digging in it. Soon he had his sketch book out and he was soon sketching the entirety of the scene unfolding before him. Quick movements resulting in lines that brought the scene to paper. Yusuke paused as he nuked the small reaction from the kitsune. He made sure to sketch it in detail along with the two rulers. As soon as the lines were done he was adding soft colors with his pencils moving at a speed that could not be accomplished by many a human. He was so engrossed in the image he was creating that he barely noticed the seelie ruler speaking about [i]him[/i]. Pencil froze and his eyes grew large. His voice was soft. [color=pink]"Thank you M'lady"[/color] The best way to survive was to be respectful...right? Hopefully being this respectful wouldn't go back and bite him later. Yusuke looked back at the image and lightly added more colors to the scene and deepened the shading the wolf before putting the pencils away and breathing over the image. Loose color shot off of the picture before he was satisfied with it. He nodded and went to shut the book.