Btw everyone, this Rp if you haven't already guessed will be a Dnd sort of style. So make sure you read my posts carefully to pick up clues of the best and safest path to go, although the safest path isn't always the best path. For those who don't know what a Dnd style rp is, basically as my post said there are currently four ways to go from where you are. North, East, South West. You know one of those routes leads to three orcs. What you would do is choose a path and wait for my post to tell you where you've gone to. The battles will be your typical ptp roleplay battles. This is a survival Rp. Use your powers wisely, befriend other dragons with Powers who can help you survive and support you and good luck. [@Lugia][@Captain Obvious][@PharaohAtem][@LeamonZest89][@knifeman][@DragonKingUk][@LuckyBlackCat][@Renny][@Pathfinder][@Silverstein]