[center] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/be/c6/b2/bec6b294774bb3118799cf5e25e616cd--digital-paintings-digital-art.jpg[/img] [h1][color=D4F0FF] Bodil Bera [/color][/h1] [hider=A Theme of The Undone One] [youtube]https://youtu.be/pGuZ9kIBhyo[/youtube][/hider] [/center] [hr][hr] [center] Bodil balked at the girl who was trying to become [i]friends[/i] with the hideous beast of a fox man. Certainly she had hit her head! Who so ever would wish to befriend such a revolting creature! The thin dark haired girl, round eyes in a seemingly up breakable glower, looked surprise. Her pale features with their rosy cheeks like an olden picture pursed their lips and grew eyes as large as saucers. Idiot! Do not try to befriend those without hearts or souls! If wishes could turn to curses from these creatures, what could offers of pure friendship do?! The dark haired firebrand returned to a dour glower. Spring Queen, Falcon King, beast-man, then... A ghoul of a man who turned from wolf-beast to something of a human farce. More beast creatures! Bodil gagged. Hideous, revolting thing that turned her cold inside and out. She averted her eyes, clenching them shut at the grotesque sight. Apparently two beast creatures was too taxing to her... Her childhood fears were real! Hainously real! The pale young woman was waxen, but stubbornly opened her eyes to glower at anything before her. A creature of smoke and decay, this wraith of a beast-male, but at least he had the common decency to keep his more animalistic features under glamors or whatever magic these nightmares used to hide their true ugliness. Her grandmother had told her many chilling stories of the beast men. Superstitions always had a grain of truth. But this... This was all true. Hideously true. Her own childhood terrors were flesh and blood! Bodil bit back bile that grew in her mouth like acid in rainwater. This new horror did not transform smoothly as the others had, but bent his own bones to form a humanoid body. Most likely to rise ire and fear in the mortal humans like her and the other captives. She grit her teeth and her pretty petite features twisted in a stubborn snarl. Bodil might hide her shaking and trembling by gripping painfully to her own shackles, but she would not show weakness to these nightmares or their kin! She spit at her feet in the direction of the wolf-beast male just as she had with that grotesque fox-male. Let him know exactly what she thought! The king-queen of laughter seemed to suddenly focus a type of venom on her. And all due to that bird-brained monarch with the autumn wind voice. "[i]Serve?![/i] Serve you?!" Bodil let out a howl of her own, startling noise from one so sparrowy and delicate looking, "I am [i]not[/i] a slave!" She kicked her foot out with a vicious power from such a slender build. "I do [i]not[/i] serve beasts or nightmares! Least of all some Falcon King and his beast-men court!" The Falcon King mocked her and she flushed with either anger or embarrassment. She violently pulled on her own restraints and her ice-colored eyes glared at the fowl King. "No shape would suit you or this court of hideous creatures," she hissed as if casting a curse, "You nightmares hide true hideous nature behind magic, but you can never hide all of your disgusting features, no matter your shape!" Eyes like blades sliced from the fox to the wolf. "Beasts with 'no humanity, who only masquarade as mortals with envy for life they will never have!' " Bodil quote the line from her grandmother and sneered before closing her eyes and tilting her chin up, as if snubbing all of them. Her grandmother's word echoed in the rafters, even if more than a few humans were confused. But the young woman who had once been of a highly superstitious family, with its own names for these fae, said her last piece. She belong to no one. And this so-called king better know what he was dealing with. Bodil bowed to no one. And certainly not any beast-man nightmare monarch or his snarling underlings! No matter how beautiful a visage these creatures dressed themselves with, Bodil believed them all ugly and writhing with hideousness that couldn't be bared in any fair light. It was why they hid in shadows and other forms. Not even the sun would look on them. So the cowardly creatures hid behind glamors, like vampires in their coffins or a werewolf in its man-flesh. The Collector might deem her as a possession to this Falcon King, but Bodil was not one to be cowed. When she opened her eyes, her familiar cold cowl of fury masked her fair features. The dollish young woman glared with the wrath of storm brewing behind her pale eyes. The queen-king apparently claimed the well mannered man. So it was all a game between feuding lovers? She was not surprised, but this Falcon should be. For he would find her a most unruly pawn on his chess board. And rebellious pieces could always lead to the loss of any well-practiced game. The King's smile at the queen-king made her flinch, but she covered it with a glower out to one of the frost covered windows. No one ruled over her. No one would play with her. No one would use her as a pawn. And no matter how much her white-knuckled hands shook, she was not afraid. Never afraid, you hear?! [/center]