*Mergoux screams in pain and staggers, crashing into the table next to Taboo as her leg crumples out from under her* Mergoux: AGH! YOU BAS-UGH! *She chokes as Taboo launches a punch at her throat and scrambles away. Taboo runs for the main room, sees the congregation around Horus's body and takes a sharp turn into the kitchen, where she desperately looks for a place to hide* *Mergoux spends almost a solid minute trying to breath through her damaged windpipe before struggling to her feet, breathing raggedly* Mergoux: YOU! *She points at the Major with her sword* Mergoux: You're dead! *She takes one step, falters as she puts weight on her shot leg and falls again. She roars in fury and pulls a small hand crossbow from her bag, then fires it at the Major's chest* *Jilail doesn't move at all*