[b][i][center]March 8, 3:15 PM PST Satomi Towers, Coast City [@Ceta de Cloyes][/center][/i][/b] Jessie turned to Ezra as he plugged his phone into their computer bank and began to speak excitedly, she had learned over the past couple months to expect his sneaky entrances and had conditioned herself to not be startled by him. She stared at the computer screen he was using, watching in fascination as a map popped up with various pinpoints in major cities and smaller byways. Even one right here in the city, probably no more than an hour or two to walk, much less if they were flying. Jessie leaned closer, jabbing at the red dot over Coast City as she spoke. "So Benji came through, huh? That's what we need right there, practically an open invitation." Jessie looked at Ezra curiously as he began to bumble his way through a half-formed plea for her help. It almost sounded as though he didn't think she'd actually go through with it, or that she'd back out and try to take some kind of smaller role. It was almost adorable, if a little bit insulting. Jessie shook her head and chuckled, reaching down to her goggles on the desk in front of her and slipping them on, the display lighti9ng up as Lightning Bug adjusted them to her head and looked at her alien friend. "I made a promise when we started this. And breaking into a shady government agency to find out some X-Files shit about who's hunting aliens and why? That sounds like a show I wouldn't miss for the world." She said with a grin, smacking Ezra's arm playfully. [b][i][center]March 8, 5:30 PM PST Sunspot Cafe, down the street from secret DEO headquarters, Coast City [@Crazytazer][/center][/i][/b] Jessie set up her laptop in a quiet corner of the internet cafe, checking to make sure her gear was still safely in her backpack. She would have loved to rush in guns blazing to this base, but Ezra had been adamant that they at least check out the area first. He had a point, it seemed almost too easy to have found such a close base to their location, they didn't want to walk into a trap. But Jessie wanted to be ready regardless. Jessie opened up a small window on her computer, as well as loading up a few decoy programs; IP blockers, proxies, hackertyper in case anyone was spying on her, things like that. Then the real work began. Using the laptop to extend her senses through the wifi network of the shop, Jessie slowly began making connections to the nearby security cameras on the street. That would give her a good view of the street layout around the building before she tried to push farther in. She didn't expect to get very far, a secret government agency would likely have firewalls and precautions in place to prevent all kinds of attacks, even from unorthodox sources such as herself. But hopefully she could get an idea of what the security looked like while-- [i]Help[/i] Jessie gasped and winced, her cyber attacks and connections stopping as her mind was assaulted by a foreign presence. She was still only trying to interface with local cameras, she hadn't even touched the facility yet. Were they tied into the surrounding grid? What the hell was 'help' supposed to mean?! [i]Trapped[/i] Jessie looked around the coffee shop, trying to see if someone, no matter how impossible, might be playing some kind of trick on her. Nothing. Hipsters and coffee. New age music. Laptops on a shared network with shitty privacy settings, but none of them attempting to reach out to her. Which left just the direction of the DEO base. Jessie was ready for it now. [i]Help[/i] Jessie's mind snapped around the transmitted word like a steel trap. It was a signal, transmitted through a few different mediums. Radio, power line, short range wifi. Jessie could feel the echos reverberating through the web, and she grabbed her backpack and ducked into the bathroom. Pulling out her goggles and settling them over her eyes, Jessie was pleased to see a text box appearing to the left of her vision, displaying the message as well. Her goggles were on an open receiver, easier to interface with that way, and they had intercepted the message. With the signal in her head, and in her goggles, Jessie though she might be able to trace it back to the source... It was coming from the DEO base, that was sure. Security was tight on the network, they were likely monitoring everything on every computer in the place. But that's where the weakness was too. When you're searching everything for anything, some things can slip through. And where a message got out... Another could punch in. An unused dead-end in the network, a brief connection that had been made then lost. It would be a simple enough matter to connect again, and see exactly what was pushing words into her brain... [i]Who are you? What are you? Where?[/i] Jessie pushed her thoughts back towards the source, compressing her thoughts into a small file and opening the connection to the dead-end terminal for a brief moment, just long enough to push the file through before backing out of the system completely. It was crowded and dangerous in there. She'd keep monitoring the airwaves for now, but she didn't like the thought of going back into that system without needing to. Jessie pulled out her phone and began to text Ezra again, he was close by doing his own scouting. [i]Something's in there. Made contact with me through the computer, talked into my brain. Trying to find out more. This is the place.[/i]