[hr][hr][center][h1][color=D8899B]Mei Qiáo[/color][/h1][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/831eedf412a514512e0dc548a3f2b35a/tumblr_nnw3ogF61s1ra5f55o2_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Newhope - Town (Dress Shop) -> Heading out of Alley, North of Toy Shop[/center] Mei took the duster jacket with a nod. It was something she had seen many people, particularly Browncoats wear. It was a symbol, she wagered. A universal meaning that whoever wore this type of jacket was one with the cause. She didn't care one way or another. To her, it was a gift from someone who showed her kindness without expecting anything in return. She accepted it gratefully, putting it on her before she slipped out into the alley. She didn't have many options, but she figured that they would be coming sooner or later. Hopefully, they would be preoccupied with checking out the shops. She made her way down the alley. The way she was heading was out of sight of the shops. It should give her ample time to scurry away and decide on what she will do. She considered her options. She wanted on that ship, but in order to be on there now, she would have to be a prisoner, and she didn't relish her chances of being kept on an Alliance ship. Still, she had to try, right? She walked carefully so as to not rupture her stitches. For all the trouble she was put in, it would be an insult to lay on the ground in an alley, bleeding to death.